Day 23 - Dec. 18
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Jen here. Today we all took a 40 minute drive up into the mountains to Chimbulak Ski Resort. It was a perfect day - clear, sunny, just above freezing, and no wind. The road was clear and there were few other cars - however it was very steep (12% grade) and winding and we discovered that Benjamin Aidos gets car sick. (He must take after me.) We cleaned him up and since we were almost to our destination, we stayed the course.  

It takes three lifts to reach the top of the slopes - and each takes over 15 minutes to ascend. We bought tickets to ride the first one and took Ben on his first ski lift. He was not impressed (not much reaction at all - except a pressing concern that his mitten was not on correctly at one point). The rest of us were quite impressed. The place is beautiful and once you get far above the lodge, the silence is imposing. Steve thought that riding the lift was as close as we'll ever come to flying. We stopped on top with a jolt - the plan was for Ben and I to stay on and for Steve to take the next lift even higher - but the man "assisting" us with the dismount(?) was not privy to the plan (given that we had no common language), and so he grabbed Aidos at the top at the last minute and I had to dive off too - landed on my butt in the snow. Not very dignified. In the end we took in the scenery and then all rode down together. 

Andre said that we had better drink a shot of Vodka with a lemon chaser to warm up. He explained that this was important for our health - and of course we didn't want to risk illness. We also had an excellent lunch at the cafe in the lodge before heading home. All in all - it was a perfect excursion - except for the throwing up - oh, and the falling down.  

Back in Almaty we babysat Ava for a couple hours while Jon and Mary Lou went shopping and we were reminded why we did not adopt an infant - too much work :-)   (Actually Ava was sad for only about 20 minutes before giving up on us and falling asleep.)   

Note ice rink below us. The World Cup Speed Skating Championships were held there in the mid 1980s.


The map in back shows the slopes.


The view from the top of the first ski lift.
Almaty is far away below us. 
The closer buildings below are part of the resort.


A perfect day for skiing.


More fantastic views


Jon, Jen, and Steve staying healthy.
What great parents!

P.S. Steve here.  I just finished updating the guestbook (It's a "cut-and-paste" thing). The notes of support we've received from so many people is amazing. Your supportive words provide us with strength and happiness!  Thank you all!  We're trying to catch up on emails, but please know that even though we might appear silent to you,  you are in our thoughts and prayers.


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