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Marla Krueger, who works in the Registrar’s Office at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, has been named the recipient of the September STAR Award.

She was nominated by Julie Wilkinson (Chair of Nomination Committee), Cindy Schultz, Julie Neubert, Becky Beahm, Sarah White, Katrina Helmer, Patti Wild, Paula Hass, Amanda Bain, Jane Luker, Amy Filak and Jane Kramer.

Portions of Marla’s nomination follow:

“The Administrative Support Team is nominating Marla Krueger for a STAR award. We all believe that in the last year her critical work with the new University Studies Program and Room Scheduling, during a time of reduced classrooms due to remodeling, has demonstrated amazing commitment to the University.

“Marla’s responsibilities include maintaining the University course catalog in the Student Information System and coordinating the distributed class building done by staff members throughout the academic colleges. With the implementation of the new University Studies Program, an incredible number of new courses were developed and changes were made to many already existing courses. Marla made and tracked these changes, making sure that appropriate codes were added to the courses so that they would meet the proper requirements for students. In addition, she setup and maintained the vast and ever-changing information about paired classes, co-requisites and meeting times. She did all of this with expertise and accuracy so that all would work well for students and contribute to a successful new program (USP).

“Marla, with assistance from an LTE whom she supervises, is also responsible for scheduling all the academic classrooms for all classes on campus. At approximately the same time she continued to do setup and maintenance for USP and all other classes, she scheduled classrooms for Fall 2014 (the first semester that Clow will be off-line for remodeling). The situation was that 30 classes were no longer available and 10 alternate ones were given to her to substitute. Marla actually went and toured the 10 rooms to make sure they would work for classes because of her concern that students and faculty be able to meet in good educational environments. After much work with departments, juggling schedules and facilities, she successfully completed room assignments for all classes!”

“When the Administrative Support Team (composed of administrative assistants representing all Colleges and LLCE who work with the Student Information System on activities such as class building, enrollment, advisor assignment, etc.) discussed this nomination, there was a total consensus that Marla is exceptionally deserving of this honor. Below are some of the comments that members made:

From Julie Neubert: “College of Education and Human Services: Marla Krueger is so deserving of the STAR award. I have worked with Marla for the last four years. She has a huge job keeping the curricular aspects of Peoplesoft all in check and running smoothly for staff, faculty, and students. The USP program has created loads of work for Marla and she has gotten it done so that the University could roll out our new program without a hitch.

“The challenges of doing the campus wide room scheduling given the changes for the upcoming renovation projects have been incredible. She has worked hard and creatively to come up with solutions to best serve the entire campus.Talk about squeezing a square peg in a round hole–Marla does this continuously and effortlessly.

“I find her to be a great resource and I never hesitate to call her to work through something so that it gets done correctly from the start.

“I would hate to think of what we would do without Marla.  She is certainly a huge asset to the Registrar’s office and UWO.”

From Cindy Schultz, Journalism: “Marla Krueger’s job is not one that I would want to have! You see, she is the room scheduler for classrooms for ALL of the classes that are held on this campus. This is difficult at best, even under the best of situations. However, add into the mix the addition of many sections of USP courses, and now–pulling Clow and Nursing Education buildings offline due to renovations. That is over 40 classrooms that are disappearing at a time when more classrooms are needed to help facilitate the USP program. Marla has taken this all on, as she usually does, with her sassiness and grace! THANK YOU Marla–YOU are appreciated!”

From Jane Kramer, Registrar’s Office: “Marla is a true animal lover who has headed up a fundraiser in support of the Oshkosh Area Humane Society in each of the last seven years. This year’s event generated more than $700, and during the last seven years, she has raised more than $4,000 for the organization. In addition, the event has gathered pet food, toys, bedding and cleaning supplies for OSHS.

“What is even more remarkable is that Marla has accomplished all of the above while continuing her ever-increasing job responsibilities. This year has been particularly challenging with the implementation of the University Studies Program (USP) and the task of classroom planning complicated by the upcoming remodeling project in Clow.  She has worked diligently in generating new space for classes, and scheduling fall 2014 classes into the reduced number of rooms available. All fall classes have now been scheduled into the existing space on campus. This was a major accomplishment.”

Connie Whittaker, former member from Religious Studies: “DEFINITELY!!!!! She deserves this award!”

Amanda Bain, LLCE: “I think that’s a great idea. She is definitely deserving.

“Indeed, Marla is appreciated by everyone she works with and helps daily. Thank you for considering this nomination as we would really like her to receive this recognition of our appreciation.”

The CSAC Awards & Recognition Committee submitted this announcement. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to contribute calendar items, campus announcements and other good news to UW Oshkosh Today.