Review Resources.

This page contains a collection of links to learning resources that you can use to review grammar, writing, math, statistics, chemistry, biology, geology, and physics.

A. Grammar and Writing.

1. Visit the UW-Oshkosh Writing Center for one-on-one help with writing.

2. Here is another English tutorial site.

3. This is a web site at Polk Library called "Citing Sources" with information regarding how to cite sources and how to avoid plagiarism.

4. Here is a great site from Dr. Julie Shaffer, UW-Oshkosh English Professor that discusses plagiarism and ways to properly cite sources.

5. Here is a page titled Introduction to Journal-Style Scientific Writing at Bates College.

B. Math.

1. Here is a good tutorial video on YouTube for unit conversions, and here is another from the Khan Academy.

2. This video does a good job of explaining how to approach unit conversion problems using the approach we will use in class, the unit fraction method.

3. Here is a good review of unit conversions.

4. You can go to this site from the Khan Academy and create a free account that will allow you to test your math skills, watch videos to review and brush-up on your math skills, and watch simple video that explain how to solve math problems.

5. Here is a great site sponsored by the Annenberg Foundation with excellent videos that explain how to approach math problems.

6. This series, called "Learning Math: Patterns, Function, and Algebra", is an excellent review of how to approach real-world problem-solving and teaching math. It is made available on the Annenberg Learners Project web site.

7. This series, called "Learning Math: Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability", is an excellent review of how to approach real-world problems and is made available on the Annenberg Learners Project web site.

8. Sal Khan created this collection of videos to review Trigonometry.

9. This collection from the Khan Academy is on Pre-calculus.

10. Khan Academy's Calculus series takes you through the first semester of Calculus, and then the second.

11. Differential Equations makes up a big part of the second year of Calculus.

C. Statistics.

1. Here is a series of videos from the Annenberg Learner Project on statistics.

2. The Khan Academy has this collection of videos organized by topics to review Statistics.

D. Geology.

1. Here is a video series that provides a great overview of Geology called Earth Revealed that was originally produced in 1992 and is now provided by the Annenberg Foundation.

2. This video called Planet Earth was originally made by WQED in 1986 and is now available to watch online at the Annenberg Learner Project site.

E. Chemistry.

1. Check out this great interactive periodic table and short podcasts for each element from the British Royal Society of Chemistry.

2. Here is an extensive Chemistry video collection organized by topic from the Khan Academy.

3. Here is a video series called "Reactions in Chemistry" made available on the Annenberg Learner Project site.

4. Here is a great series called "The World of Chemistry" also available on the Annenberg Learner Project site.


F. Biology and Microbiology:

1. This excellent series is called "Unseen Life on Earth: An Introduction to Microbiology" and is made available on the Annenberg Learner Project site.

2. Here is a more in depth video series that presents an overview of Biology called "Rediscovering Biology: Molecular to Global Perspectives".

G. Physics.

1. This is a great online physics textbook that is easy to read, follow and understand -- and free.

2. Sal Khan has created an extensive video series, organized by topic, that takes you through a first-year course in Physics.


There are also resources on campus for help on most of these topics.


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