Benjamin Hallett PhD


Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Geology

& STEM Student Success Coordinator, College of Letters and Sciences

University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

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My ultimate teaching objective is to prepare students to build knowledge they can use. Students elect to attend college for many reasons, though once a student begins a course of study she/he is faced with a new objective to balance: master new material while developing the ability to apply his/her knowledge. While one student may build upon knowledge to understand new concepts in an upper level or graduate level course, another may apply her/his knowledge to solve a problem in an industry career. What unifies these objectives is that knowledge can become ultimately versatile when the ability to apply it to different situations is developed. The type of course and the background/major of each individual student dictates whether the knowledge will serve as a foundation to enable specialized study or provide a broad basis from which a unique perspective may be applied to other specializations.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh courses:

  1. Physical Geology Quest 1

  2. Earth: Dynamic Planet

  3. Geochemistry

  4. Mineralogy

  5. Lithology

  6. Mineral Deposits

  7. Honors Geology

  8. Minerals, Energy, and Environment

Adjunct Professor courses:

  1. Field Methods (RPI)

Undergraduate Research Supervisor:

  1. MetPetDB data mining team (RPI)

           Undergraduate research program to develop and

           populate MetPetDB.

Teaching Assistant courses:

  1. Structural Geology (RPI)

  2. Earth Materials (RPI)

  3. Geochemistry (RPI)

  4. Field Geology 3 (U of ID / WSU)

  5. Physical Geology (U of ID)

  6. Physical Geology for Science Majors (U of ID)