How to Schedule an Appointment
Directions for how to schedule an appointment are listed below. Watch the video directions here.
Monday: 9:10am-8pm
Tuesday: 9:10am-8pm
Wednesday: 9:10am-8pm
Thursday: 9:10am-8pm
Friday: 9:10am-8pm
Sunday: 4pm-8pm
1. Click the appropriate button above to navigate to our scheduling portal WCONLINE.
Oshkosh campus students should use the “Oshkosh Campus Log In” link.
Fox Cities and Fond du Lac campus students should use the “Access Campus Log In” link.
The first time you visit, you will need to create an account in our scheduling system, WCONLINE. To do this, click the “Click here to register” link. Fill in all of the boxes marked with *. Be sure to use your email and make note of your password (to reset your password, follow the directions via the “Forgot Password” link on the log in page). After you click register, you will be taken back to the log in page.
2. Login using your email and password. You should see a bunch of purple and white boxes. The white boxes are available appointments.
3. Click an appointment time that works for you.
4. Choose which type of appointment you would like from the “Meet Online?” box.
For Online Video Chat appointments, choose “Yes. Schedule Online appointment” from the “Meet Online?” box.
For eTutoring appointments, choose “Yes. Schedule eTutoring appointment” from the “Meet Online?” box. Attach your draft and assignment instructions before your appointment is scheduled to begin so the consultant has time to review it and send your feedback.
5. Complete the appointment form by filling in the type of assignment or project, due date, and information about what you want feedback on.
6. Click “Save Appointment.” The appointment will turn yellow. You will get a reminder email (or text) the night before your appointment.
Use the Waiting List
If no appointments are available on the day you prefer, you can use the waiting list to be notified if one opens.
You can make appointments during our regular business hours, but special arrangements for additional times to meet can be made by contacting the Writing Center.