Key Nutrient Recommendations*
2 cups of fruits per day*
Key nutrient contributions: Many nutrients, especially dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.
Make at least half your fruits, whole fruits (not fruit juices). Juices consumed should be 100% juice without added sugars.
2.5 – 3 cups per day*
Key nutrient contributions: Many nutrients, including dietary fiber, potassium, vitamins A, C, K, E and B6, copper, magnesium, folate, iron, manganese, thiamin, niacin, and choline.
Make half your plate fruits and vegetables, and vary your veggies.
6 ounces per day*
Key nutrient contributions: Whole grains are important sources of dietary fiber, folate, copper, manganese, vitamins B6 and A, selenium, phosphorus, and riboflavin.
Make at least half your grains, whole grains.
5.5 ounces per day*
Key nutrient contributions: Meats, poultry, and seafood = most heme iron; Seafood = most vitamins D and B12; Nuts and seeds = most vitamin E; Soy products = most copper, manganese, and iron; Eggs = most choline; Meats = most zinc; White poultry = most niacin.
2 cups per day*
Key nutrient contributions: The dairy group contributes nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D and B12, riboflavin, protein, potassium, zinc, choline, magnesium, and selenium.
Fat-free and low-fat dairy products provide the same nutrients but less fat (and fewer calories).
5 teaspoons per day (or 27 grams)*
Key nutrient contributions: Essential fatty acids and vitamin E.
Oils contain a high percentage of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (healthy) fats and are liquid at room temperature. The amount consumed should replace solid fats rather than being added to the diet.
*These USDA Food Patterns are designed to meet food group and nutrient recommendations within calorie needs for a 2,000-calorie per day diet. A person might not consume all daily calories with the recommended servings listed above and/or may need more or less of these food groups depending on lifestyle.
Campus Dietitian
Contact the Registered Dietitian for individual nutrition information! Appointments are free and available for UW Oshkosh students and employees.
Carese Walczyk, RDN, CD
Wellness Dietitian
Office: 920-424-1368
Cell: 920-676-3270
University Dining
Additional Resources
Check out ChooseMyPlate for more information and healthy eating tips!
For healthy eating strategies and menus: Mayo Clinic
Eating disorders information
- National Eating Disorder Awareness
- Mayo Clinic
- National Institutes of Health
- Evolve Healing (Local Eating Disorder Treatment & Resources)
- Rogers Behavioral Health (Local Eating Disorder Treatment & Resources)