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Dempsey Hall, Room 130
Phone: (920) 424-1804
Email: veterans@uwosh.edu
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Have Questions? We have answers.
What do I do after I apply for VA benefits on va.gov?
Print a copy of the confirmation page that shows your confirmation number and submit to the Veteran Resource Center. Once your application is processed and approved, you will receive a Certificate of Eligibility (COE). Submit the COE to the Veterans Resource Center for certification of your enrollment to the VA.
Can I receive financial aid while receiving benefits?
Note: Because of certain laws regarding the programs, Post-9/11 GI Bill® recipients and students attending under Vocational Rehab may not qualify for state grants. You may, however, qualify for federal grants (Pell) and loans.
How many classes do I need to take to be receive full-time benefits?
The answer depends on a few variables.
Undergraduate: full time is 12 credits during the fall and spring semester* and 9 credits during the summer semester.
Graduate: full time is 9 credits during the fall and spring semester* and 5 credits during the summer semester.
*This is for the 14 week semester. This does not include the 3 week interim term. However, since there are non standard terms for some courses (ex. 1st 7 weeks, 2nd 7 weeks, 10 weeks, etc), it is best to contact the Veteran Resource Center and review your schedule with a team member to determine what your rate of pursuit will be.
I'm transferring. How do I transfer my benefits?
To transfer schools or change programs, individuals receiving benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33), MGIB-AD (Chapter 30), MGIB-SR (Chapter 1606), or individuals receiving benefits under the Dependents Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 35) will need to submit a “Request For Change of Program or Place of Training” to the Regional Processing Office. Both forms can be submitted online through www.vets.gov.
Follow these instructions to submit a “Change of Program/Place of Training” form:
1. Go to www.vets.gov
2. Select education benefits
3. Select application process
4. Click on Green Button that says “Select Correct Form”
5. Click “Updating Current Benefits”
6. Click “No, I’m using my own benefit”
7. Click “Apply now” button
8. Next page, scroll down, click “continue”
9. Fill out form
Print off or save a screenshot of your confirmation submission number for your application
Once you receive your Certificate of Eligibility bring a copy to your school’s veterans office.
If you are transferring from one UWO campus to another UWO campus, you do not need to transfer your benefits.
When should I submit my National Guard Grant Tuition Reimbursement form?
National Guard Grant Tuition Reimbursement forms may be submitted to the Veteran Resource Center at any time during the semester. They are held until grades are posted at the end of the semester before processing and sending to DMA. Forms MUST be submitted NO LATER than 90 days after the end of the term.
How do I get transcripts from the military?
You can request your transcripts online at: https://jst.doded.mil/official.html
What do I need to do if I'm taking classes at another school?
In order to certify your classes for federal benefits, you need to make sure the classes you are taking at the second school will count as credit toward your degree at the UW Oshkosh. Contact the Veterans Resource Center for instructions on how to get courses at another school certified.
How do I verify my enrollment with W.A.V.E.?
If you’re receiving the Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty, MGIB – Selected Reserve GI Bill (Chapter 1606), you can veify your attendance online through the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE), or call the toll free Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone line at 1-877-VA-ECERT (1-877-823-2378).
What happens if I fail or withdraw from a course?
If you fail a class you will receive a “punitive grade,” and this will negatively affect your GPA. However, because the grade you received counts toward your graduation progress (and you did not meet the passing grade), you will not be required to repay any money back to the VA.
In addition, because you did not meet the passing grade requirement you may take the class again and have the VA pay for it. However, too low of a GPA can impact your financial aid or ability to use VA Education Benefits.
If you withdraw from a course, you need to notify the Veteran Resource Center right away. A withdraw from a course can affect your VA benefits and/or create a VA debt. Please contact Michelle Munns, Veteran Benefit Coordinator, if you have any questions about this.
Do I need to notify someone if I add or drop a class?
YES. Any changes to your enrollment must be reported to the Veteran Resource Center. This is so we can update your certifications to the VA. This helps in preventing VA debts.
What do I do if I receive active duty orders?
Contact Michelle Munns, Veteran Benefit Coordinator, or Timber Smith, Veteran Resource Coordinator, in the Veteran Resource Center as soon as possible.
Veterans Resource Center
(920) 424-1804
Dempsey Hall, Room 130
‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill.