News and Events
The University Staff Senate is working with University Staff and UW Oshkosh Administration in the development of University Personnel System policies and procedures. Information is listed below for the UW System policies and procedures that we are working on. Click on a topic to learn more about it.
HR Connections Meeting: Thursday, May 25, 2017 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. in Sage 4232. University Staff Work Hours discussion will be held from 1:00 to 1:30 p.m. PLEASE ATTEND!
Workplace Conduct Expectations — Open forums were held on Monday, Mar. 6 at 11:30 a.m. and on Thursday, Mar. 9 at 5:15 p.m.
Compensation Statement and Pay Determination Policy – Open forums were held on Wednesday, June 10 and on Monday, June 15, 2015.
Recruitment – Discussed at open forum held Thursday, March 5, 2015.
Layoff_Policy – Forums held on Friday, Jan. 16 and Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015.
Hearing Committee – Discussed at forums that were held on Monday, Nov. 10 and Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014.
Grievances – This information was discussed at forums that were held on Monday, Nov. 10 and Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014
If you have any questions or concerns about any of the above policies, please contact USS President, Marci Hoffman,
Please visit the UW System UPS Operational Policies for additional information.