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University Staff Advocate Award

The University Staff Advocate Award celebrates the character, passion and commitment of faculty, instructional and professional academic staff who support and advocate for the advancement of UW Oshkosh University Staff and encourage them to have a voice on campus. The inaugural year for this award was 2010.
2017 Recipient
Karl Loewenstein, Department of History, College of Letters and Science

Read the article in UW Oshkosh Today

2014 Recipient
Rosemary Smith, Dean Emeritus, College of Nursing

Rosemary Smith

Read the article in UW Oshkosh Today

2013 Recipient
Elizabeth Heuer, Human Resource Director – retired

Elizabeth Heuer

Read he article in UW Oshkosh Today.

2011 Recipient
Lori Worm, Associate Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration

Lori Worm

Read the article in UW Oshkosh Today.

2010 Recipient
Dylan Stolley, Photographer

Dylan Stolley

Read the article in UW Oshkosh Today.