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University Staff Advocate Award

The University Staff Advocate Award celebrates the character, passion and commitment of faculty, instructional and professional academic staff who support and advocate for the advancement of UW Oshkosh University Staff and encourage them to have a voice on campus.

Nomination Form


The award was established by the Awards and Recognition Committee of the University Staff Senate (USS) in 2009. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the classified staff by faculty and staff that do not fall under the classified status definition.

STAR Awards are reserved for University Staff employees only; however, the Awards and Recognition Committee and USS recognize the special bond that is shared among all members of the UW Oshkosh community.

The first special STAR Award was given to the former Chancellor, Richard H. Wells Sept. 2, 2008. Wells received the Star Award in recognition of the many initiatives he spearheaded at UW Oshkosh specifically for University Staff (represented, non-represented, limited term and project appointment) employees. He graciously accepted the STAR Award at the opening day ceremonies saying, “This means more to me than any other professional award I have received.”

The Outstanding Performance Awards, Star Awards and the University Staff Professional Development Day (USPDD) are currently implemented at UW Oshkosh and have been since the summer of 2001 through the collaborative efforts of the Chancellor and University Staff. These recognitions have become a model for campuses around the state of Wisconsin.


Any current faculty, instructional and professional academic staff who are at least .50 FTE and have worked at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh for at least six months are eligible for the award. Also, any former faculty, instructional and professional academic staff who were at least .50 FTE, worked at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh for at least six months, and are currently involved with University Staff, are eligible for the award. The nominee should not have received the award in the last 36 months.


Individuals who have:

  • Contributed by way of day-to-day activities performed in such a manner that have significantly demonstrated positive benefits or support for the UW Oshkosh University Staff.
  • Regularly exemplified professionalism in their working relationships and contacts with University Staff.
  • Shown honest commitment to the personal growth and advancement of the goals and objectives of the UW Oshkosh University Staff.

Selection Process

This award recognizes an individual for contributions made inside and/or outside the University community to advance and support the University Staff at UW Oshkosh. The intent is to preserve the spirit in which the award was originally presented.

Nominations – There will be a nomination form available online. Nominations are not actively sought. Candidates will not be required to provide letters of support or portfolios.

Selection Committee – The Awards and Recognition Committee as appointed by the University Staff Senate

Procedure – The committee chair will confirm eligibility and the nominator will be notified if the nominee is ineligible. Once the nomination is confirmed eligible, it will be distributed to the committee members. The nominee will be determined by the Committee and the nominator will be notified of the Committee’s decision. Nominations are not kept on file for future consideration.


The recipient will receive a framed certificate signed by the Chancellor and the co-chairs of the Awards Committee and a commemorative gold star pin. They will also receive a plate engraved with their name, month and year of win which is placed on a plaque in the Administrative Building. A picture of the winner and nomination information posted on the USS website and in UW Oshkosh Today.

Presentation – When an award is given, the chair(s) of the Awards Committee will arrange a presentation.

If you have any questions, please contact the committee chair:

Jane Luker