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Campus Resources

List Serve for Department Assistants

Email: This Listserv is to encourage communication between administrator support group members. If you have any questions about something related to your work, send out an email and find out how other departments deal with the issue or share your really good ideas also.

Campus Emergency Information

Police and/or Security Officers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide protection for people and property on campus. In the event of an emergency situation, please dial 9-911 from an on-campus phone. Crimes, accidents, and health and safety concerns should be reported promptly to campus police. For non-emergency situations, contact University Police at 424-1216.

UW Oshkosh has a number of procedures that all employees must be knowledgeable of in the event of an emergency, such as a bomb threat, building evacuation, chemical spill and other life threatening situations. For an Emergency Procedure Guidebook, please contact University Police at 424-1216.


TitanAlert, a text-messaging alert system, is used to communicate important campus information right to your mobile phone. Find out about the service and how to sign up.

Winter Storm Policy

The University rarely closes for winter storms. However, the Chancellor may direct employees not to report for work or to leave work early due to inclement weather. Supervisors may allow employees to leave work early or to arrive late due to inclement weather or hazardous driving conditions. Employees may charge vacation, personal holiday and compensatory time, or may be allowed to make up lost work time as scheduled by the supervisor. All make up time worked will be paid at the regular rate. For additional information, please view the handbook on the Provost’s webpage.

Additional Resources

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

UW Oshkosh Theater

Gruenhagen Conference Center

Healthy Titans-Albee Fitness Center

Parking Services

Polk Library

Titan Central

University Bookstore & More and Corner Convenience Store

UW Credit Union

Dining Options

UW Oshkosh Sporting Events

Women’s Center