Assembly Application
Committee Chairs
Constitution Chair—protects, enforces, and betters USRH’s governing documents as well as coordinates and runs elections whenever they occur.
*Holds a monthly meeting.
Food Committee Chair—acts as the students’ voice regarding issues/concerns about food venues on campus, meal plans, and looks for ways to improve them. Past committees have done a food committee field trip once a semester as well as a charity lunch at Blackhawk Commons.
*Holds a meeting every other Tuesday at 5pm.
Leadership Development [LDC](one position, spring only)—LDC is in charge of selection for the four leadership awards during the Spring Semester.
*Holds a monthly meeting.
Programs Co-Chair(two positions)—creates, coordinates, and holds programs (diversity, environment, community service, social events) for the residence halls and campus. Instrumental in planning After Dark and Residence Life’s End of the Year banquet.
*Holds a monthly meeting.
Paid Assistants
Social Media Director—Attends USRH meetings Thursdays at 4:35pm.
Junior Advisor— A former USRH member with experience in parliamentary procedure. Attends USRH meetings Thursdays at 4:35pm and advises the Constitution Chair.
Student Organization Representatives
Oshkosh Student Association [OSA]—the main student governance organization on campus, acts as a liaison between OSA and USRH. Speaks and votes on behalf of USRH during OSA meetings.
*Meetings to attend: OSA meetings Mondays at 4:00pm and USRH meetings Thursdays at 4:35pm.
Reeve Advisory Council [RAC]—representatives act as a liaison between USRH and RAC. Speaks and votes on behalf of USRH during RAC meetings.
*Meetings to attend: RAC meetings (TBD) and USRH meetings Thursdays at 4:35pm.
Sustainability Council—a committee composed of faculty, staff, and students. Work with the Vice Chancellor on promoting sustainability across campus.
*Meetings to attend: Sustainability Council meetings (TBD) and USRH meetings Thursdays at 4:35pm.
Minimum of a 2.0 GPA required
Note: Each Committee Chair, Paid Assistant, and Student Organization Representative is required to serve two office hours in the USRH office, submit a weekly report, and hold/attend all required meetings. These are paid positions and pay will be docked if work is not complete.