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To view Approved Curricular Forms on Windows

  1. Click on the Start button (in the bottom left corner of your screen)
  2. Click on the computer name or “My Computer”
  3. Double-click on the Shared drive (S:)
  4. Double-click on the yellow folder named “Public”
  5. Double-click on the yellow folders named “Approved Curriculum Forms”
  6. Double-click on “University Studies Program”
  7. Double-click on the College in which the course is located
  8. Double-click on the Department in which the course is located (for COLS instructors)
  9. You are here! You will see the course number–double-click to open

To view Approved Curricular Forms on a Mac

  1. Click on Finder
  2. Under SHARED click on
  3. Double-click on the “Public” folder
  4. Double-click on the “Approved Curriculum Forms” folder
  5. Double-click on the “University Studies Program” folder
  6. Double-click on the College in which the course is located
  7. Double-click on the Department in which the course is located (for COLS instructors)
  8. You are here! You will see the course number–double-click to open