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University Studies Program
Pollock House
(920) 424-1402
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Please adopt and maintain an accessible and engaging tone as you draft and refine your Explore course syllabus. Attempt to read it from the perspective of a first year student who is a novice to the subject matter you know so very well. You may also wish to include a brief description of resources that are of particular relevance to your course. Be sure to consult the Quest II Syllabus Checklist to ensure that your syllabus contains all of the expected content. The language below is provided for use in your syllabus in order to connect to other USP courses that students are taking.

Quick links to language for: 

Early Alert

After the third week of class, you will receive a grade for your overall progress in this course and each of the courses you are taking in the University Studies Program. This process is called “Early Alert.” You will receive this information in an email during the 5th week of classes. Early Alert is designed to help you evaluate your study skills and your class attendance so that you know if you are on the right track. If you need to make some changes, there are resources available to support your academic success. These Early Alert grades are not permanent and will not appear on your transcript.


Early Alert is a program that provides you with an Early Grade Report from faculty. Early Grade Reports will indicate if you have academic performance or attendance issues and specific steps you can take and resources available to help you improve. It is common for students to be unaware of or over-estimate their academic performance in classes so this will help you be aware early on of your progress and provide strategies for success in the classroom. You will receive an email during the 5th week of classes. It is important to read the entire email carefully.

Explore Courses and a Liberal Arts Education

This course is an Explore course for the University Studies Program. The Explore classes are designed to provide a solid foundation for the rest of your education here, no matter which major you choose. For further information about the unique general education at UW Oshkosh and the other USP courses that are available, visit the University Studies Program website at

At UW Oshkosh, the foundation to your learning is a liberal arts education.

Liberal Education is an approach to learning that empowers individuals and prepares them to deal with complexity, diversity, and change. It provides students with broad knowledge of the wider world (e.g. science, culture, and society) as well as in-­‐depth study in a specific area of interest. A liberal education helps students develop a sense of social responsibility, as well as strong and transferable intellectual and practical skills such as communication, analytical and problem solving skills, and a demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills in real world settings.


Sample from a syllabus submitted by COB’s Bill Wresch:

Liberal Education is a philosophy of education that empowers individuals with broad knowledge and transferable skills, and a strong sense of values, ethics, and civic engagement. These broad goals have endured even as the courses and requirements that comprise a Liberal Education have changed over the years. Characterized by challenging encounters with important and relevant issues today and throughout history, a Liberal Education prepares graduates both for socially valued work and for civic leadership in their society. It usually includes a general education curriculum that provides broad exposure to multiple disciplines and ways of knowing, along with more in-­‐depth study in at least one field or area of concentration. Original source: Advocacy “What is a liberal education?”

How does that definition connect to our course? The place of business in a community has been an important – and changing – issue throughout history. This course will provide you with background on this issue, background you will need as you become a community leader. It will help you determine for yourself what values, ethics, and sense of community you wish to bring to your work.

Explore Courses that carry Signature Questions

(This only applies to Explore courses that carry Signature Questions)

The University Studies Program (USP) is your gateway to a 21st century college education at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. In this Explore course, you will have the opportunity to further investigate one of the Signature Questions that are the focus of your Quest courses. These three “Signature Questions” are central to a UW Oshkosh education:

  • How do people understand and engage in community life?
  • How do people understand and create a more sustainable world?
  • How do people understand and bridge cultural differences?

In this class, we are focused upon the following Signature Question: [insert SQ; consider briefly highlighting student learning outcomes or assignments that relate to the Signature Question in your course]

University Resources

(Instructors may wish to include a brief description of resources that are of particular relevance to your course. Some sample language from the resource websites for a few such resources is provided below. Instructors may instead wish to simply list resources on their course D2L site.)

In the University Studies Program, we want you to be successful. Please visit this resource page (or the D2L course page) to read about all the campus services available to support your success:

Center for Academic Resources: The Center for Academic Resources (CAR) provides free, confidential tutoring for students in most undergraduate classes on campus. CAR is located in the Student Success Center, Suite 102. Check the Tutor List page on CAR’s website ( for a list of tutors. If your course is not listed, click on a link to request one, stop by SSC 102 or call 424-­2290. To schedule a tutoring session, simply email the tutor, let him/her know what class you are seeking assistance in, and schedule a time to meet.

Developmental Math Tutoring Lab: The Swart 301 Developmental Math Lab provides free, walk-in tutoring for 67-101 students. The Swart 301 tutoring schedule is posted at Students are strongly encouraged to actively solve all suggested exercises listed on the syllabus and to use the Swart301 lab as a resource for assistance with any questions generated while completing homework exercises.

Polk Library/Information Literacy: Polk Library offers many professional librarians who can help you find library resources for your research. Specifically, Ted Mulvey, the Information Literacy Librarian, is available to assist you as you access, evaluate, and use information in University Studies Program classes. Phone: 920­‐424-­7329; email: You may also set up a research advisory session with a librarian at: (Description written by Ted Mulvey).

Reading Study Center: The Reading Study Center is an all-‐university service whose mission is to facilitate the development of efficient college‐level learning strategies in students of all abilities. The center offers strategies for improved textbook study, time management, note-­‐taking, test preparation, and test-­‐taking. For more information, email, view the website (, visit them in Nursing Ed Room 201, or call 424-­1031.

Writing Center: The Writing Center helps students of all ability levels improve their writing. Trained peer consultants help writers understand an assignment, envision possibilities for a draft, and improve their writing process. They even help writers learn to identify their own proofreading errors. Students can make a free appointment or stop by to see whether a consultant is available. For more information, view their website (, call 920‐424-­1152, email, or visit them in Suite 102 of the Student Success Center. (Description written by Crystal Mueller)



Pollock House
765 Algoma Boulevard
Oshkosh, WI 54901

(920) 424-1257