How-To: Add SQs to Explore Courses
Wednesday, Feb. 15 AND Friday, Feb. 17 from 3–5 p.m. in the Pollock House
Dear colleagues,
By adding signature questions (civic learning, intercultural knowledge, sustainability) to your Explore classes, we can broaden the exposure our students have to these questions. Adding a signature question can help students connect the dots between your course and other courses with the same signature question.
Join us for one of two workshops focused on incorporating a signature question into your Explore courses. Remember that Explore courses can be any 100- or 200-level course that counts for general education at UW Oshkosh.
Participants will be given a $300 stipend upon revision of an Explore syllabus.
One workshop will take place Wednesday and Thursday, January 18 and 19 from 10 – Noon in Pollock House.
Alternatively, we will offer a workshop on Wednesday and Friday, February 15 and 17, from 3 – 5 p.m. in Pollock House.
Please let us know if you have questions.
Thank you,
Gabe Loiacono (History) and Ken Price (Math)
Please preregister by completing the form below!
Pollock House
765 Algoma Boulevard
Oshkosh, WI 54901
(920) 424-1257