by Danielle Beyer | Mar 1, 2012 | Headlines
As part of Recognizing Women: Women Shaping Politics, Wisconsin State Senator Jessica King will be on campus to speak about the important influence women have on politics in America. The event will take place on March 14, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in room 202 of Reeve...
by Contributor | Feb 28, 2012 | Briefs
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Greek leader Ethan Turner received the $500 Patrick W. Halloran award from Order of Omega last month. Order of Omega is a National Honorary Society that recognizes outstanding Greek leaders in order to better the Greek community and aid...
by Mandy Potts | Feb 16, 2012 | Headlines, Sustainability
They are hard to miss at Reeve Memorial Union: Waste receptacles turned green beasts holding “Feed me” signs. Beginning this spring semester, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s sustainability office, in partnership with Sodexo, Reeve Union and the State Energy...
by Contributor | Nov 15, 2011 | Briefs
On Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011, the University Speaker Series will host the debate Campus Under Fire, featuring Colin Goddard and David Burnett. Goddard survived four gunshot wounds during the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007. He currently works for The Campaign to Keep...
by Mandy Potts | Sep 29, 2011 | Headlines
Journalist Meg Jones said the stories she’s written while in Iraq and Afghanistan aren’t very different from the stories she tells from her home newspaper in Wisconsin. “There is a beginning, middle and end…there is a reason you’re writing the story,” said Jones, a...