by News Bureau | Nov 30, 2007 | In Photo
Colleagues, alumni, students, family and friends of sociology instructor Greg Olsen gather to celebrate his life and his contributions to the University at a tree planting ceremony held Thursday, Nov. 29, at the northwest corner of Swart Hall. The ceremony was...
by Jaime Hunt | Nov 29, 2007 | Briefs
Effective Dec. 10, the Undergraduate Admissions Office, currently located in Dempsey Hall, Room 135, will be relocated to second floor of Elmwood Commons. Click here to read more.
by Contributor | Nov 29, 2007 | Briefs
Effective Dec. 10, the Undergraduate Admissions Office, currently located in Dempsey Hall, Room 135, will be relocated to second floor of Elmwood Commons. This move will accommodate renovation work that includes the removal of carpeting, asbestos floor tile and...
by Contributor | Nov 29, 2007 | Briefs
UW Oshkosh has received $36,656 from Mayo Clinic as a sub-award through the National Cancer Institute for Role of Proteases in Chemotherapy-Induced Apoptosis. James Paulson (chemistry) is the project director.
by Contributor | Nov 29, 2007 | Briefs
UW Oshkosh has received $60,000 from Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Employment and Training for revisions of the Financial Services and Lodging Management Youth Apprenticeships. Byron Malsin (CCDET) is the project director.