The Oshkosh Paranormal Investigation Division (OPID), a University of Wisconsin Oshkosh student organization that specializes in exploring the unexplainable, will be investigating the Belvoir Winery in Liberty, Mo. on Saturday, Jan. 15.
The Winery is being renovated after previously being used as an asylum and nursing home. The grounds of the Winery consists of many buildings and includes a 600-plus grave cemetery. The investigation will take six hours or more to fully collect data.
OPID, which consists of 10 investigators, will be using various methods and experiments to contact the unknown at the Winery. The organization has had previous experience with local sites around the state, and they hope to find a lot of activity at a location that has had its fair share of grim history.
Josh Hughes, founder and director of the Oshkosh Paranormal Investigation Division, submitted this announcement. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to contribute calendar items, campus announcements and other good news to UW Oshkosh Today.