After experiencing a scare with a benign tumor in December, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh student and Oshkosh Student Nurses’ Association (OSNA) president Rebecca Rennert understands the fear linked with cancer. And she is ready to take action.
“After going through my own experience, I pondered the thought of those who have gone through all of this, but with a diagnosis of malignancy,” Rennert said. “This stirred within me a desire to do something.”
Rennert and her OSNA peers are opening their arms and setting the dinner table for Fox Valley community members and their family, friends and caretakers who have fought and continue to fight cancer.
The complimentary Celebration of Life dinner for those who have a connection to cancer is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. April 29 in the Reeve Memorial Union, 748 Algoma Blvd. Attendees can bring one guest.
To make this student-initiated dinner party free for attendees, OSNA volunteers will be setting up tables, preparing salads, serving the food and beverages and cleaning up after the event, Rennert said.
The dinner also will feature three key note speakers from the Oshkosh community.
Speakers include Dr. Karen Gremminger, oncologist from the Michael D. Wachtel Cancer Center at Mercy Medical Center; Cindy Joyce, a two-time cancer survivor, Oshkosh resident and inspirational speaker; and cancer survivor Rosemary Smith, RN, PhD, and dean of the College of Nursing at UW Oshkosh.
“The intent of their speeches will be to encourage people of the community to continue fighting,” Rennert said. “Cancer is no longer the death threat that it has been from years past, and we want cancer survivors to know that student nurses, nurses, physicians and people of their own community will be there to support them in many ways during their journey through cancer survivorship.”
OSNA will receive financial help from the American Cancer Society and the Fox Valley District Nurses Association.
Those who plan to attend should, please call Kristen Klinkner at the American Cancer Society at (877) 423-9124, ext. 136, by April 20 to make a reservation.