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Two UWFox students are working with the DNR and community volunteers to monitor streams in the area as part of a state-wide program.students standing in stream with equipment

Cole Richards (pictured – center) and Kadie VanderGrinten (left) have been actively monitoring 14 streams in the Lower Fox River Tributary as part of a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) internship program at UWFox. Their faculty advisor is Biology Professor Terri Gonya.

As project manager, Cole coordinates 30 community volunteers who take samples each month. In addition to training the volunteers, he helps them understand the program and provides feedback. “I  create graphs from the data collected from the samples so volunteers can see that what they are doing is having an impact,” said Richards.

Monitoring includes sampling fish populations to determine abundance, density and species composition. The goal is to statistically determine the health of the game fish population in the local area. Water quality is also monitored, with collected samples sent to a laboratory for testing.

In addition to this internship, the UWFox Biology Club has adopted Bairds Creek near Green Bay. student pouring water from stream into container


Laurie Krasin