This Spotlight series recognizes a UW-Fond du Lac student’s academic achievements and personal story. Students are nominated for this spotlight by faculty and staff.
Name: Clarissa Dehling
Age: 22
Hometown: Fillmore
Currently Residing: Campbellsport
Career program/major: Social Work
High School Attended: Kewaskum High School
What is your career or life goal?
My career goal is to be a correctional treatment specialist at a correctional institution and work in rehabilitating inmates. This includes counseling, studying behavior, referring other forms of treatments, working on release, etc. A life goal of mine is to find happiness in everything I do.
What led you to choose your program or major?
What led me to the social work field was that ever since I was little I always wanted to help others, so the social work field was a great option for me. What led me to choose prison social work, better known as a correctional treatment specialist, was my urge to make a difference in the lives of current or former inmates. I believe our world sees people who go to prison as criminals for the rest of their lives. I believe we all make mistakes, and that we are all capable of learning and growing from those mistakes. We all deserve to have another chance to change and to live better lives.
Why did you decide to become a University of Wisconsin student at UW-Fond du Lac?
I decided to become as student at UW-Fond du Lac in the spring of 2015 when I was going through some rough periods of my life. I chose to move out at seventeen and not go to college right after high school. Instead, I chose to work until I decided what it was that I wanted to do with my life. UW-Fond du Lac was closest to where I lived and worked and the campus and professors were warm and welcoming.
Is there a UW-Fond du Lac professor or staff member who made a difference in your life or inspired you?
Professor Kayoung Kim was my former psychology professor and she has made a difference in my life more than I think she knows. She has been there for me as a professor, mentor, and most of all a friend. I would not be where I am today without her friendship and guidance. She is an amazing professor and I highly recommend her and her courses to anyone and everyone I know. There has never been a professor in my life that has showed as much love and passion in what they do than her. She is an amazing women and I am so grateful to have her in my life.
What is one piece of advice you would give to an incoming UW-Fond du Lac student?
One piece of advice that I would give an incoming student at UW-Fond du Lac would be to prepare yourself to work hard, always apply yourself, and to learn more knowledge and more about yourself in the process than you ever thought you would.
Describe something unexpected that happened here at UW-Fond du Lac.
Something that I never expected to happen here at UW-Fond du Lac that did, would be the way I have grown as a person. College has given me a new perspective on not only life and my education, but who I am and aspire to be as a person. There have been a few professors who have really inspired me and have guided me along my journey here at UW-Fond du Lac, and for that I am forever thankful.
When not in class or studying, what keeps you busy?
When I’m not in class, studying, or doing homework, I work as a full-time nanny. I love what I do and wouldn’t change it for the world, it keeps me busy and constantly on my toes.
What are your plans after UW-Fond du Lac?
I plan on graduating with my associate degree and transferring to UW-Milwaukee to purse my bachelor’s degree in social work and shortly after, my master’s degree.
To learn more about the associate degree and options for beginning one of more than 200 majors at UW-Fond du Lac, call (920) 929-1122 to schedule an appointment with an advisor.
UW-Fond du Lac is part of the University of Wisconsin System and one of the 14 freshman/sophomore campuses of the UW Colleges. UW-Fond du Lac offers an Associate of Arts and Science Degree, the foundation to a bachelor’s degree and specialized professional and occupational degrees.
Laurie Krasin