Performance set for Dec. 13
UW-Fond du Lac’s Music Department is holding auditions for a winter madrigal production “The Peasant, The Prince, The Boot and the Mirror” 12:30-1:20 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 2, and 12:30 to 1:20 pm or 4 to 6 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 3, in the music rehearsal room (UC-116), 400 University Drive.
This production is full of comedy, mischief and misrule in which an announcement is made . . . “that the Royal Court is looking for a pretender to the throne to replace the aging king, and one lucky individual just might fit the bill, or the Royal Boot as this case may be. For the next king must fit the Royal Boot, and look into the Royal Mirror and see the image of the King.’” The show promises laughs, intrigue and the revelation of a new king.
There are roles in the production for ages 17 and up for both men and women. There is one solo singing role, the Minstrel. The Minstrel should be able to sing and play the guitar. Cast members will also sing as part of a larger ensemble, but only those auditioning for Minstrel will need to audition with a song.
Rehearsals begin Sept. 8 in the evening, and will continue once a week until Dec. 8, when rehearsals will be nightly, culminating with the Dec. 13 performance.
Those auditioning are asked to prepare a brief monologue of their own choosing. Monologues should be no longer than two minutes. No experience is necessary. Scripts are on reserve in the UW-Fond du Lac Library.
Cara Davis