Family Nurse Practitioner student Shane Carter MSN ’10, of Omro, explains his research poster to Judy Westphal, assistant professor, during the Annual Celebration of Scholarship in 2010.
How and what we teach in nursing are consequential to an increasingly complex and dynamic healthcare system. The clarion call of a recent major report from the Institute of Medicine, to “redesign nursing education,” “examine innovative solutions related to care delivery and health professional education,” and “re-conceptualize the role of nurses within the context of current and future technology” is resonating throughout the halls of academia. In an effort to illustrate the vitality of the aforementioned activities, the CON faculty and instructional staff have engaged in a plethora of scholarly activities outlined at right. These activities are a continuing response to the dictates of a changing curriculum and practice.
Jaya Jambunathan, RN, Ph.D.
director of Research and Evaluation and Assistant Dean
Elected /Appointed
MacWilliams, B. Elected to the National Board of Directors for the Assembly of Men in Nursing (two-year term from September 2010).
Chappy, S. Appointed to the Editorial Board of the AORN Journal.
Edelstein, J. Developing an Epidemiology Waiver Exam. UW Oshkosh Faculty Development, Teaching grant.
Udlis, K. Medtronic grant ($10,000). The Impact of Technology Dependency on Device Acceptance and Health-Related Quality of Life in Persons with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators.
Udlis, K. UW Oshkosh Faculty Development, Faculty College grant: The Journey to Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records (healthcare reform and health IT by Judy Murphy).
Westphal, J. UW Oshkosh SoTL starter grant.
Honors and Awards
Chappy, S. Endowed Professorship: EAA and C.R. Meyer Endowed Professor, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
Edelstein, J. Inducted into the NLN Academy of Nursing Education, September 2010, Nurse Educators Summit, Las Vegas, Nev.
Jambunathan, J. External examiner, doctoral dissertations, Chennai, India.
MacWilliams, B. Represented the CON and American Association of Men in Nursing at the National Summit on Advancing Health through Nursing Nov. 30–Dec. 1, 2010, in Washington, D.C.
Marnocha, S. Edward M. Penson Faculty Award.
Marnocha, S. Content reviewer: Clinical procedure manual. Global Hospitals and Health City, Chennai, India.
McNeil, P. Geriatric Nursing Scholar Award 2010-2011, Minnesota Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Bonis, S. University of Wisconsin President’s Summit: Journal Club to Promote Understanding in a Community Pediatric Clinic. (paper)
Bonis, S. Midwest Nursing Research Society: Contentment in “Songs of the Gorilla Nation: My Journey through Autism:” A Human Becoming Hermeneutic Study. (paper)
Bonis, S., Chappy, S., Jambunathan, J. and Marnocha, S. Wisconsin League for Nursing: Simulation and the Electronic Medical Record To Enhance Clinical Learning: An Evidence-Based Educational Approach Using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation. (poster)
Chapin, T. and Chappy, S. 23rd-Annual Conference for Teachers of Nursing Practice Interactive Learning: Creating Engagement and Accountability. Engaging Students with ‘Multiple Patient Day’ Activities. (paper)
Davis, S., Jambunathan, J., Chappy, S. and Marnocha, S. Being a Nurse: Perceptions of 1-Year Baccalaureate Nurses. Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Kansas City, Missouri. (paper)
Edelstein, J. How to critique epidemiology research. N.E.W. LEAP, Appleton, Wis. (paper)
Edelstein, J. Developing an Epidemiology Waiver Exam, Wisconsin Public Health Nursing Conference, Stevens Point, Wis. (poster)
Jambunathan, J., Bonis, S. and Chappy, S. Using an evidence-based framework to assess effectiveness of electronic medical record (EMR) and simulation to enhance clinical learning in nursing students. Chennai, India. (paper)
Jambunathan J. Overview of American Nurses Credentialing Centre (ANCC) Magnet Recognition Program: Forces of Magnetism: Reshaping Nursing Profession in Indian Hospitals,” Global Hospitals and Health City, Chennai, India. (paper)
Kraus, K. and Jambunathan, J. The lived experience of mothers of soldiers deployed to a war zone. Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Kansas City, Mo. (poster)
Lancaster, S. Medication complexity in older adults. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington D.C. (paper)
MacWilliams, B. Rising of the Novice Clinician: A Grounded Theory. American Assembly of Men in Nursing (AAMN), Duke University. (paper)
Marnocha, S. Women coping: Spouses in surgery, spouses in combat. Psycho-logical Association State Conference, Middleton, Wis. (paper)
Marnocha, S., Dempsey, L. and Bergstrom, M. Women’s experience of perimenopuase and menopause. Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Kansas City, Mo. (poster)
Smith, R. Inaugural and Keynote Address: Innovations in Nursing Education and Practice through Evidence-Based Research: Paramount Importance, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, India.
Smith, R. Changing Culture of Health Care Delivery: Implications for professional nursing leadership (IOM), transformational leadership. Reshaping Nursing Profession in Indian Hospitals. Global Hospitals and Health City, Chennai, India.
Westphal, J. Longitudinal analysis of nurse leaders in U.S. hospitals. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference. Kansas City, Mo. (poster)
Chappy, S., Jambunathan, J. and Marnocha, S. (2010). Evidence-based curricular strategies to enhance BSN graduates’ transition into practice. Nurse Educator, 35(1), 20-24.
Chappy, S., Stewart, S. and Hanson, T. (2010). Eliminate Border Wars. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31, 392-394.
Collier, J., Davidson, G., Allen, C. B., Dieckmann, J., Hoke, M. M. and Sawaya, M. A. (2010). Faculty qualifications for community health nursing educators. Public Health Nursing, 27(1), 89-93.
Edelstein, J. Online website of Leap www.son.wisc.edu/leap Policy Development Handbook (Pending online at this time).
Schmidt, B. and Stewart, S. (2010). Implementing the virtual world of Second Life into community nursing theory and clinical courses. Nurse Educator, 35, 74-78.
Venkatesaperumal, R., Micheal, J. C., Raddaha, A. A., Venkatesaperumal, S., Jambunathan, J., Annitta, E. and Micheal, I. J. (2010). Nursing students’ fingertips — is PDA a solution? The Nursing Journal of India, 4, 1-7.
Pope, D., Jambunathan, J., Stewart, S., Gibson, C., and Gibson, T. Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Education. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant ($298,720 funded).
In the grant listed above, authors’ names should have appeared as follows:
Stewart, S., Pope, D., Jambunathan, J., Gibson, C., and Gibson, T. Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Education. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant ($298,720 funded).