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Learning In Retirement (LIR), which is affiliated with UW Oshkosh’s Division of Online and Continuing Education, will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday, June 13, at LaSure’s Banquet Hall in Oshkosh. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. with breakfast, followed by the business meeting. The steering officers and committee chairs will present updates on the previous year and members will have the opportunity to vote for minor bylaw changes and to vote for officers for the upcoming year.

The steering committee also will present two special awards. The Robert L. Berner Teaching Excellence Award recognizes an individual who has contributed significantly to the development of LIR programs through teaching excellence. The E. Burns Apfeld LIR Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes an individual who has contributed to LIR in any combination of the following:  teaching, program development, tour arranging, governance, administration, public relations, material assistance or other specific contributions.

Following the business meeting, LIR will have a presentation by Laura Fiser, collections and exhibitions curator at the Paine Art Center and Gardens. She will discuss new discoveries from the Paine’s archives and give a sneak peak of the upcoming sensational summer season at the Paine.

LIR’s annual meeting is open to the public, and anyone wishing to attend may visit  or call (920) 424-0876.