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Fifty years have passed since the Class of 1968 crossed the stage at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and a grand celebration—a Golden Titan Reunion—is near.

Held each year in conjunction with the Spring Commencement weekend, the Golden Titan Reunion provides an opportunity for alumni who graduated 50 years ago or earlier, to reconnect with classmates and their beloved campus.

“I have had the good fortune of being in touch with numerous 1968 alums, as well as with many graduates both before and after our great 1968 graduation year,” said Ronald Schreier, president of the UW Oshkosh Class of 1968, who has been encouraging his classmates to return to UW Oshkosh May 11-12.

Schreier, who has worked in education 50 years and currently serves as an English language skills specialist at Appleton West High School; and class vice president, H. Joseph Hildebrand, who retired two years ago after a long career as an Oshkosh attorney, are looking forward to the weekend of events. The two got together and perused old yearbooks recently, refreshing their memories on classmate names and campus activities.

“As we go through the list of graduates, it brings back so many good memories,” Hildebrand said.

Schreier said a couple of his favorite memories were being elected and serving as UW Oshkosh student body president and giving the commencement address in 1968. His favorite professors were Marilyn Potter, Don Burdick and Clay Willmington.

Schreier went on to obtain master’s degrees in education guidance/counseling; and in education school administration. Over the years, he taught or worked in administration with Omro schools, the Fond du Lac School District and Appleton West High School. His wife, Mary, also an alumna from UW Oshkosh, is a retired elementary teacher.

Following graduation with an economics major and political science/business minors from UW Oshkosh, Hildebrand entered law school at UW-Madison. He was a student member of the admissions committee at Madison, and said UW Oshkosh students were always “way toward the top” in qualifications.

He said it will be great for his classmates to see how UW Oshkosh has grown in 50 years.

Hildebrand laughed as he recalled his college jobs driving a bakery truck and working in an office with “five women bosses.”

1968 is year of unrest

Social and political climates of the time shaped the Class of 1968—the year has been termed by many as the most historic year in modern American history.

The Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl II in January, but the year was marked by U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, civil rights disturbances and the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4 and Robert Kennedy on June 5, respectively.

Schreier said being part of numerous activities—student government, cheerleading and fraternity life to name a few—helped him and others on campus as they navigated college and moved into adulthood.

“This was a phenomenal place…” he said about UW Oshkosh.

Golden Titan Schedule of Events

  • Friday, May 11, includes an opening reception at the Alumni Welcome and Conference Center (AWCC), where there will be a greetings from Chancellor Andrew Leavitt and the Alumni College at 2:30 p.m.

Golden Titans will have the ability to explore campus resources and hear a special presentation by University Archivist Joshua Ranger.

At 4:30 p.m., a Class of 1968 cocktail reception and dinner will get underway at the Best Western Premier Waterfront Hotel.

  • Saturday, May 12, Golden Titans will be offered a bus tour of campus and a reunion luncheon and program at AWCC. At 1 p.m., a class photo and academic regalia robing will take place at Kolf Sports Center, where the Class of 1968 will lead the processional of the afternoon ceremony of the 2018 Spring Commencement.

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