Provost Lane Earns announces a name change for the Center for Scholarly Teaching
Entering its third phase in Fall 2010, this faculty development endeavor began as the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Initiative (2002-2005); gained a location and new programs as the Center for Scholarly Teaching (2005-2010); and now will continue to work to integrate best practices for higher education into UW Oshkosh classrooms as the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Director Lori Carrell affirms that while the Center will maintain its research-base and its support for those who pursue the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), it will also be working “to further connect the many vital initiatives that support teaching and learning at UW Oshkosh.”
Through a new leadership team structure and expanded programming, the CETL will focus on key teaching and learning initiatives during this new phase. Those areas of focus will be guided by a Leadership Team to include Liberal Education Learning Outcomes (Josh Garrison), Sustainability (Jim Feldman), First Year Experience (Karl Boehler), Inclusive Excellence (Jordan Landry), Instructional Development (Kerry Huberty), Global Connections (Marianne Johnson), Assessment (Carleen Vande Zande), and Undergraduate Research (Tracy Slagter).
Following a recent and extensive needs assessment, expansion plans have focused upon furthering collaboration and providing easy access to practical, research-based professional development. The UW Oshkosh teaching community can expect the development of easy-access web site resources, a web site library check out system for print resources, One Session Wonders (short and frequent best-practice dialogues), certification options in various best practice teaching and learning arenas for those who desire a more intensive professional development opportunity, continued annual Provost’s teaching and learning Summits, continued SOTL Mentoring programs, continued Book Clubs, initiation of new-faculty teaching and learning workshop series, continued SOTL Scholars programs, and formalization of consultation services for teaching and SOTL research.
The CETL will work to promote collaboration among key teaching and learning initiatives at UW Oshkosh and to respond to the on-going professional development needs of the UW Oshkosh teaching community.
Lori Carrell, director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, submitted this announcement. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to contribute calendar items, campus announcements and other good news to UW Oshkosh Today.