With Homecoming just around the corner, it’s time for University of Wisconsin Oshkosh alumni, students and staff to celebrate “the greatest Homecoming on Earth.”
UWO Alumni Relations Director Chris Gantner said Homecoming, set for Oct. 21-22, is the perfect time for all Titans to reminisce about their time on campus.
“In keeping with the Homecoming theme of celebrating UW Oshkosh as the greatest University on Earth, we hope our alumni across the nation will reflect on their years on campus and share their thoughts about what really stood out as the best classes, professors, programs or experiences that impacted their college career,” Gantner said.
To kick things off, UWO’s 2016 alumni award recipients are sharing what they think makes UWO the best.
Emily Akright ’10, an Outstanding Young Alumni award recipient, said UWO’s events and organizations helped shape her into the young professional she is today.
“UWO provides many significant opportunities for its students that help ease anxieties and transform students,” Akright said. “From student-led organizations to campus events and learning opportunities, UWO does a great job of getting its students involved in holistic transformation.”
Pamela Witt-Hillen ’78, a Distinguished Alumni award recipient, said her UWO professors inspired her to do her best.
“I felt my education was individualized to my needs and learning style,” Witt-Hillen said. “All my educators were very approachable and open to discussion.”
Shawn Robinson ’02, an Outstanding Young Alumni award recipient, said the UWO Project Success Program changed his outlook on life by providing him with tools and knowledge on learning with dyslexia.
“By acquiring and accumulating new knowledge regarding dyslexia, I was able to better understand myself, which helped me shape my identity,” Robinson said. “Gaining self-knowledge enabled me to take on the great virtue of learning and continuing my education.”
The UWO Alumni Association will kick off Homecoming Weekend by hosting the Alumni Awards Celebration in the Alumni Welcome and Conference Center (AWCC) on Friday at 5 p.m.
On Saturday, Homecoming events continue with a continental breakfast and open house at the AWCC from 10 to 11 a.m. The Tour de Titan Bike Ride starts at 11 a.m. It will depart from the AWCC and end at Tent City.
Tent City will be held south of the Oshkosh Sports Complex from noon to 1:30 p.m. The football game verses UW-Platteville begins at 1:30 p.m. on J. J. Keller Field at the Oshkosh Sports Complex. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and $6 for K-12 students.
There will be a post-game celebration at the Fox River Brewing Co. Tap Room at 1501 Arboretum Drive.
Find more Homecoming details online.
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