As the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh moves forward with an increased focus on research opportunities across campus, the Office of Student Research and Creative Activity (OSRCA) will hold an Open House on Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
The event will be held in OSRCA’s new headquarters in room 317 of Dempsey Hall.
“The new office space is a signal that our program is beginning to expand,” said Stephen Kercher, who has been named OSCRA’s first interim director. “The University is committed to expanding opportunities for students and faculty to work together on high-impact practices.”
During the Open House—cosponsored by Student Support Services STEM, the McNair Scholars Program and the WiSys Technology Foundation—students and faculty will learn about ways the offices can assist with collaborative research and a wide range of creative activity opportunities at UW Oshkosh.
Involvement in research and creative activities at the undergraduate level sets students apart from their peers, Kercher said.
OSCRA’s focus in the coming year will involve continuing and expanding a number of student research and creative activity initiatives. “We’re moving in the right direction,” Kercher said.
Those initiatives include sponsoring the 11th issue of Oshkosh Scholar, UWO’s undergraduate research journal; supporting and improving Spectrum, a UWO website for showcasing scholarly activities in the creative and performing arts; funding for students to attend the National Council on Undergraduate Research; continuing and expanding opportunities for undergraduate and graduate student small and collaborative research grants; providing stipends to encourage faculty participation in collaborative research; and continuing to grow and support the Undergraduate Research Ambassadors Program.
While his role is to support research and scholarly activities across all disciplines at UW Oshkosh, Kercher said he is especially interested in encouraging students in the humanities and the arts to get involved.
At the Open House on Wednesday, Sept. 14, hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be provided, and there will be a drawing for a special prize for faculty.
For more information, contact Kercher and Susan Surendonk (, Jessi Billings (, Cordelia Bowlus ( or Mads Gjefsen (