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Four University of Wisconsin Oshkosh students presented their research at the 13th-annual Posters in the Rotunda in Madison on Wednesday, April 13.

Posters in the Rotunda showcases undergraduate researchers from throughout the UW System who shared their findings with legislators, state leaders, UW System alumni and other supporters.

“Posters in the Rotunda helps our representatives to understand the significant contributions UW System schools make to the vitality of Wisconsin’s economy and towards the future of the State,” said Jonathan Gutow, chair of the Oshkosh Student Scholarly and Creative Activities board. “Additionally, it is a great opportunity for a small sample of our top-notch students to interact with legislators and others who wield significant power in our State.”

IsaacJohnsonPostersIsaac Johnson, a senior supply chain management major, shared his research, Simulating Winning Strategies in Backgammon, which evaluates statistics in backgammon and shows players how to play better.

“It started out as a side project and it is something that I have always been fascinated with,” Johnson said. “It [research] has been extremely important in finding passion in something that not only you enjoy, but also is completely applicable to the real world.”

Johnson completed his research entirely in Excel and used an iPad to demonstrate how the formulas worked for Posters in the Rotunda attendees. Johnson has been hired before graduation and will work at the global headquarters for Plexas.

AlyssaValentynePostersAlyssa Valentyne, a senior biology and Spanish major, shared her research, Bacterial Degradation of Low Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons; Naphthalene, 1-methylnapthalene, and 2-methylnapthalene by Mycobacterium

Valentyne’s research evaluated how bacteria could be used to clean up pollutants in a natural way.

“In theory, you could use this bacterium and spread it on an oil spill with all the nutrients it needs, except carbon, and it could possibly use this as a carbon source and naturally clean it up,” Valentyne said. Valentyne plans to pursue a dual MD and PhD program.

MackenzieandHaileyPostersMackenzie Hagan and Hailey Parker, both athletic training majors, shared their research, The Relationship between High School Athlete’s Intention to Report and Athletes and Parents Concussion Knowledge. Hagan and Parker’s research evaluated what caused students to report that they had a concussion.

“We surveyed students and parents at Winneconne and Appleton East high schools to see if they could identify what a concussion was and if and when they would tell an athletic trainer that they had a concussion,” Hagan said.

Their research showed that most parents and students could identify what a concussion was, however that didn’t change weather or not they would report their concussion.

“Completing this research shows we have experience and a solid knowledge base for pursuing a master’s or PhD,” Parker said. Parker plans to pursue a master’s degree in athletic training.

For Hagan, completing undergraduate research helped prepare her for her future at Augusta University in Georgia where she will pursue a PhD and plans to study concussions and improving recovery after an athlete suffers from a concussion.

Watch the video from Posters in the Rotunda:


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