The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Green Fund will begin reviewing its next round of student initiative applications early this spring.
At UW Oshkosh, the Green Fund generates up to $60,000 per year for students with green ideas to tap into–provided they have a sound, sustainable idea to develop.
The Green Fund received three proposals last year and has seven proposals again this year. Since students charge themselves a $3 per semester student fee for sustainable projects on campus, there is an allotted amount of funds ready to be used to make the campus greener. The primary goal of the fund is to empower the student body. Proposals can range from building infrastructure on campus to upgrading outdated technology or even developing informative campaigns.
“We try to vote in as many proposals as we think will promote a sustainable culture here on campus. We work with their budgets to try to fund as many of them as possible. We also have the ability to refund past projects if they want to initiate another phase of their project,” said Cassandra Fowler, director of the Green Fund at UW Oshkosh.
“I really hope more students get involved and engage themselves in this opportunity. This is student money. If you see something on campus that could be improved then do it. It’s easy and a great opportunity to gain knowledge and experience working on a project like this and it allows you to connect yourself to faculty and students in a much deeper way.”
Green Fund proposals are accepted throughout the year. All ideas are considered.
To submit an application to the Green Fund, visit the UWO Green Fund website.
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