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All members of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh community (faculty, academic staff, classified staff and students) are encouraged to nominate members of the academic staff for the Outstanding Service Award. Self-nominations will also be accepted.

The Outstanding Service Award recognizes professional administrative academic staff and non-teaching faculty for excellence in providing student and professional support services (defined to include direct services to students and activities affecting the academic environment, the administration, and the reputation of the university).

Current professional administrative academic staff and non-teaching faculty in academic staff positions who have a contract longer than one-semester-only and who are at least .50 FTE are eligible for the award.

Nominees must demonstrate excellence in their current job in providing student and/or professional support services at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
(1) Evidence of outstanding performance in the nominee’s current position is the primary consideration for receiving the Outstanding Service Award. This primary area will constitute no less than 75 percent of a nominee’s evaluation for this award.
(2) Evidence of outstanding service beyond the nominee’s current position is of secondary consideration. Performance in the following areas will constitute no more than 25 percent of a nominee’s evaluation for this award.
(a) Service to the university
Service (outside their job description) with university-wide impact such as serving on university-wide committees, inter-departmental committees, focus groups, task forces, etc.
(b) Service to the nominee’s profession
Service on professional committees, speaking engagements, publications, or participation in professional development activities that advance the nominee’s profession and enhance the nominee’s performance in his or her role at the University
(c) Service to the greater community
Service as a representative of UW Oshkosh that enhances or promotes the University’s mission, vision, or strategic goals and directions

PROCEDURE TO NOMINATE – To nominate a candidate for the 2008 Academic Staff Outstanding Service Award, please indicate your nominee and their department/unit, your name and campus telephone number, and a statement, no more than 2 paragraphs that describes why you support their nomination.

Please send to: Outstanding Service Award Committee, c/o Lynda Olsen, Senate Office-Dempsey 205

Your statement of support will be included in the nominee’s application materials but will not be counted as one of the support letters. The nomination deadline is Friday, March 14, 2008.