From Aristotle to asylums and from plastids to poetry — the walls of Dempsey Hall at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh reveal the faculty and staff’s breadth of creativity and scholarship.
Each spring since 2001, framed covers of books and CDs written or created by UW Oshkosh employees have been hung on the walls throughout the campus’ main administrative building.
“I think the covers send an important message,” said Linda Freed, Grants and Faculty Development director. “Everyone who walks into the building is reminded immediately that scholarship is the foundation of all we do at this University.”
The collection, known as the Celebration of Scholarship display, today includes some 150 framed works.
“The display represents the breadth and depth of the work our faculty do, while honoring their significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in their chosen disciplines,” Freed said.
Last spring, eight new covers went up, including three by College of Education and Human Services faculty: Denise Clark and Craig Fiedler’s Parents and Families of Children with Disabilities: Effective School-Based Support Services; Michael Ford’s Books and Beyond: New Ways to Reach Readers; and Katherine Henn-Reinke’s Developing Voice Through the Language Arts.
There’s also When I was a Child: Children’s Interpretations of First Communion by Susan B. Ridgely, religious studies; and Desert by Jeff Lipschutz, art.
Two covers from history faculty are Stephen Kercher’s Revel with a Cause: Liberal Satire in Postwar America and Michelle Mouton’s From Nurturing the Nation to Purifying the Volk: Weimar and Nazi Family Policy, 1918-1945.
Finally, T. Kim Nguyen, of administrative computing, contributed The Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi: An Interactive, Explorable Environment with Integrated Text. Learn more about Nguyen’s work at
To find out more about the Celebration of Scholarship display, contact project coordinator Susan Surendonk at