A program supporting student and faculty collaborative research at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh will continue into the new year and beyond.
The Provost’s Office and the Office of Grants and Faculty Development are requesting proposals for the Summer 2008 Graduate Student and Faculty Collaborative Research Program and the 2008-2009 Undergraduate Student and Faculty Collaborative Research Program.
In this cycle, graduate student awards will be a $3,000 stipend and $500 for supplies and expenses. Undergraduate students will receive awards of a $2,500 stipend and $500 for supplies and expenses.
Faculty and teaching academic staff members who currently are engaged in research projects are encouraged to have graduate or undergraduate students become involved as collaborators in the research process.
Program guidelines and the application cover page are available at http://www.uwosh.edu/grants/assets/uw_student_support/UGstudent_fac_research_pro.php for undergraduate students and http://www.uwosh.edu/grants/assets/uw_student_support/Gstudent_fac_research_pro.php
for graduate students.
The application deadline is Jan. 18.
For more information, contact the Office of Grants and Faculty Development at (920) 424-3215.