The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh will conduct a public hearing to hear comments regarding proposed changes to UW Oshkosh’s mission statement.
The hearing will take place at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 21, in Room 306 of Reeve Memorial Union, 748 Algoma Blvd. Regent Judith Crain will preside over the hearing. Parking will be available in Lot 15.
Members of the campus and greater Oshkosh community are welcome to share comments during the session. The revised mission statement resulted from ongoing UW Oshkosh strategic planning efforts. Through a careful evaluation of institution’s strategic and key operation plans, the need for a revised mission statement was identified by faculty, staff and students. These efforts revealed a broad understanding of the core mission of the University and a desire by faculty, staff and students to create a more concise mission statement. After extensive campus discussion, the proposed draft was approved by University governance groups during the spring 2010 semester.
The proposed mission statement is as follows:
“The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh provides a wide array of quality educational opportunities to the people of northeastern Wisconsin and beyond through the discovery, synthesis, preservation and dissemination of knowledge. The interaction of our dedicated faculty, staff and students fosters an inclusive learning environment that prepares our graduates to meet the challenges of an increasingly global society.”