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The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s more than 350 student veterans have a place to go for support and services tailored to their unique needs.

As additional educational opportunities for military veterans become available, the UW Oshkosh Veterans Benefits Office has transitioned from simply assisting veterans with their benefits to serving as a support center.

“Some studies have shown that more than 80 percent of veterans have some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder when they return,” said Beth Mueller, a veteran and the coordinator of the Veterans Benefits Office, which is located within the Registrar’s Office. “This Veterans Day we want to thank those currently serving in the U.S. military and those who have served in the past for their sacrifices and dedication of service. It is also the day we want to remember our veteran students currently serving abroad for the freedom of our country.”

In addition to assisting with benefits, the Veterans Office connects veterans with support systems, such as counseling and health service. The Center also advises the newly formed Veterans Club, assists students who are deployed and provides resources to assist returning veterans.

The University has more than 350 students receiving veterans’ benefits; the largest number at any comprehensive university in Wisconsin.

“Student veterans are an important piece of our UW Oshkosh family,” said Lisa Danielson, registrar. “Students who have military service are unique and excellent additions to our diverse campus community. They add value and perspective to classroom discussion. Veterans face unique obstacles and still remain motivated to succeed. They are used to working well under stress and tend to be team oriented. Many of our veterans possess excellent leadership skills that help them succeed in the classroom. Overall they are a vibrant part of our campus community and we are happy they have chosen UW Oshkosh.”

The Veterans Benefits Office helps veterans, service members or eligible family members of disabled veterans achieve their academic and personal goals. The office assists with:

  • Veterans benefits
  • Scholarships and grants
  • University and VA forms
  • Support services

For more information, visit, call (920) 424-1804, e-mail or stop by Dempsey 146.

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