Exemplars in teaching, scholarship and practice, the College of Nursing (CON) faculty and instructional academic staff have continuously engaged in evidence-based practice. The best way to demonstrate such engagement is through scholarship, evidenced by the plethora of presentations, publications and grants.
Both graduate and undergraduate students have benefited from learning about research by being a part of research teams led by faculty members Sharon Chappy, Jaya Jambunathan, Suzanne Marnocha and Judy Westphal. Faculty members also are involved in scholarly activities pertaining to their own research agenda (see presentations and publications).
Some of the projects described below have resulted from a collaborative partnership with Affinity Health System (AHS). These projects engage students, faculty and AHS staff in evidence-based practice projects.
Sharon Chappy
(collaborative projects with AHS):
- Determining best practice treatment guidelines for patients who present to the emergency department with chronic back pain, chronic abdominal pain and chronic migraine headache pain. Graduate students are Derrick Ferry, Mary Jo Heise and My See Luangla.
- Determining best practices for on-boarding new graduate nurses hired at Affinity Health Care.
Jaya Jambunathan
(collaborative project with AHS):
- Developing an Elopement Risk Assess-ment (ERA) tool for acute care inpatients: The purpose is to develop an evidence-based elopement risk assessment tool to use in acute care inpatient settings and to develop a computer-based training program for staff members about the importance and process of ERA. Graduate students are Monica Braun, Kathryn Hanson and Richard Kiraly.
Suzanne Marnocha
(collaborative Project with AHS):
- Assessing proficiency: EKG rhythm analysis and patient treatment: The purpose is to determine staff proficiency (new staff RNs, RNs required to retest annually and educators who oversee the EKG assessment process) in EKG telemetry for various patient populations and to develop an evidence-based EKG telemetry education program for RNs at AHS. Undergraduate students are Morgan Copeland, Ashley Friedenfils, Rebecca Sealey and Colette Swensen.
Judy Westphal
- A Pilot Study on Self-Directed Learning Readiness of Graduate Nursing Students: The purpose is to assess the self-directed learning readiness levels of graduate nursing students in face to face, online and hybrid courses. Student members are Donna Hawley, Dacia Hermes and Carol Lauer.
- Analysis of Nurse Educator Character-istics Phase II Project: The purpose is to describe the characteristics of nurse educators in the United States. Student members are Jenifer Basten, Angela Darnick and Lesley Fuerst.
- Tiffany-Laughlin Jones ’11 MSN, won the graduate student Poster Research Award at the University Scholarship Day in April 2011, for her research The Experience of Infertility from the Male Perspective.
Elected /Appointed
Chappy, S. Research Section Editor, AORN Journal, 2012–2014.
Chappy, S. Appointed, Lakeshore Technical College District Board, 2011–2014.
Jambunathan, J. Reappointed, Affinity Institutional Review Board, 2011–2014.
MacWilliams, B. Elected, National Board of Directors for the Assembly of Men in Nursing, 2010–2012.
Marnocha, S. Appointed, Wisconsin Nurses Association Mentoring Programs for Novice Nurses Planning Committee, 2011.
Marnocha, S. Elected, Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Executives, Board of Directors, 2010–2012.
Marnocha, S. Appointed, Fox Valley Healthcare Alliance, Co-chair, 2012–2014.
Marnocha, S. Elected, Lutheran Homes of Oshkosh, Board of Directors, 2012–2015.
Smith, R. Appointed, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education Accreditation Evaluator. Washington, D.C.
Smith, R. Appointed, Aurora Health Care North Inc. Board of Directors, Oshkosh, Wis.
Udlis, K. Elected, Wisconsin Nurses Foundation Board of Directors, 2011–2014.
Wurzbach, M.E. Elected, Wisconsin Nurses’ Association. Online Education Advisory Committee, 2011–2013.
Chappy, S., Udlis, K., and Jambunathan, J. Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship, Health Resources Service Administration ($32,575).
Westphal, J. Self-Directed Learning Readiness of Nursing Students. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Starter Grant, UW Oshkosh.
Honors and Awards
Chappy, S. Endowed Professorship: EAA and C.R. Meyer Endowed Professor, UW Oshkosh, September 2010.
McNeil, P. Geriatric Nursing Scholar Award 2010–2011, Minnesota Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Presentations / Posters
Foth, J., and Jambunathan, J. The Process of Deciding to Lose Weight: A Qualitative Pilot Study of Young Women, Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) conference, Columbus, Ohio, March 2011.
Marnocha, S. Military Wives’ Adaptation and Coping During Wartime, MNRS conference, Columbus, Ohio. March 2011.
Marnocha, S. Women’s Experience of Perimenopause and Menopause. MNRS conference, Columbus, Ohio, March 2011.
Westphal, J. Analysis of Nursing Faculty Trends Using the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses 2000, 2004, 2008; MNRS conference. Columbus, Ohio, March 2011.
Bonis, S. Journal Club To Promote Understanding in a Community Pediatric Clinic. University of Wisconsin President’s Summit, Madison, Wis., April 2011.
Bonis, S. Contentment in “Songs of the Gorilla Nation: My Journey through Autism:”A Human Becoming Hermeneutic Study. MNRS conference, Columbus, Ohio, March 2011.
Chapin, T. and Chappy, S. Creating Engagement and Accountability. Engaging Students with ‘Multiple Patient Day’ Activities. 23rd Annual Conference for Teachers of Nursing Practice Interactive Learning, Madison, Wis., January 2011.
Chappy, S. Teaching Excellence: The First DNP Course, University of Wisconsin President’s Summit, Madison, Wis., April 2011.
Cleveland, R., and Marnocha, S. Improving Clinical Communication: Hospital Staff, Nursing Students and Instructors. Podium presentation Wisconsin Health Improvement and Research Partner’s Forum, sponsored by the Wisconsin Research and Education Network, UW–Madison Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health, 2011.
Jambunathan, J., Bonis, S., and Chappy, S. Using an Evidence-Based Framework to Assess Effectiveness of Electronic Medical Record and Simulation To Enhance Clinical Learning in Nursing Students, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, India, January 2011.
Jambunathan, J. Overview of American Nurses Credentialing Centre Magnet Recognition Program: Forces of Magnetism. Global Hospitals and Health City, Chennai, India, January 2011.
Kunde, A., and Jambunathan, J. Being a Nurse: Perceptions of Baccalaureate Nurses One Year Post Graduation from an Accelerated Program. MNRS, Columbus, Ohio, March 2011.
Marnocha, S. Women Coping: Spouses in Surgery, Spouses in Combat. Psychological Association State Conference, Middleton, Wis., 2011.
MacWilliams, B. Rising of the Novice Clinician: A Grounded Theory. American Assembly of Men in Nursing, Duke University, N.C., 2011.
Smith, R. Inaugural and keynote address: Innovations in Nursing Education and Practice through Evidence Based Research: Paramount Importance, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, India, January 2011.
Smith, R. Changing Culture of Health Care Delivery: Implications for Professional Nursing Leadership (IOM), Transformational Leadership. Global Hospitals and Health City, Chennai, India, January 2011.
Wurzbach, M.E., Chappy, S., and Udlis, K. The First Course in the Doctorate of Nursing Practice at UW Oshkosh—Our Educational Journal. President’s Summit on Excellence in Teaching and Learning UW System, Madison, Wis., April 2011.
Wurzbach, M.E. Moral Integrity—Why It Matters. Keynote address, Sigma Theta Tau Eta Pi Chapter Induction Ceremony, Oshkosh, April 2011.
Johnson, K.H., Bergren, M.D. and L.O. Westbrook (2012). The Promise of Standardized Data Collection: School Health Variables Identified by States. Journal of School Nursing, E-publication ahead of print.
Bergren, M.D. (2011, May 24). Health Care Utilization for Children Dependent on Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation: Impact on U.S. Public Schools. [eLetter] Pediatrics. doi:10.1542/peds.2010–2026.
Johnson, K.H. and Bergren, M.D. (2011). Meaningful Use of School Health Data. Journal School Nursing, 27, 102–110.
Vollinger, L., Bergren, M.D., and Belmonte, F. (2011). Substitutes for School Nurses. Journal School Nursing, 27, 111–119.
Groves, P.S., Rawl, S.M., Wurzbach, M.E., Fahrenwald, N.L., Cohen.M.Z., McCarthy Beckett, D.O., Zerwic, J(2011). Secrets of Successful Small Grant Applications. Western Journal of Nursing Research, XX(X), 1–18.
Marnocha, S., Dempsey, L. and Bergstrom, M. (2011). Women’s Experience of Perimenopause and Menopause, Contemporary Nurse, 37(2), 229–240.
Schmidt, B., and MacWilliams, B. (2011). Admission Criteria for Undergraduate Nursing Programs: A Systematic Review. Nurse Educator, 36(4), 171–174.
Udlis, K.A. (2011). Self-Management in Chronic Illness—A Dimensional and Concept Analysis. Journal of Nursing and Healthcare in Chronic Illness, 3(2), 130–139.