More than 100 honors, awards and scholarships will be bestowed upon University of Wisconsin Oshkosh students at a ceremony at 3:30 p.m. April 24 in the Arts and Communication Center’s Music Hall.
A reception for faculty, students, parents and guests will follow the program.
Those who will be recognized are as follows:
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence
Rosa Alvarez
Keith Brownlow
Anthony Diercks
Anthony Goebel
Amanda Krohn
Hanna Ladwig
Bren Nimke
Meagan Propson
Phillip Prusinski
Natasha Steenbergen
James Cook Leadership Scholarship
Albert Strohm
Dennis V. Detry Scholarship
Stacy Drews
Samantha Erdman
Douglas C. Jirovetz Scholarship
Sarah Burmeister
Agnes Drexler Kujawa Memorial Scholarship
Loren Brownlea
Kellie Dougherty
Carmen Frank
Crystal Galica
Jacquelyn Gentz
Gretchen Hutzler
Ai Lee
Kay-Ann Reece
Whitney Seymour
Tricia Springstroh
Stephanie Winkel
Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program
Kathryn Bender
Seth Block
Kendra Casanova
Weston Fredenberg
Gerald Kaquatosh
Philip Kouzes
Korey Lewis
Jean Neal
Joseph Noreik
Jose Orona
Dayana Sanchez
May Thao
LaNee Xiong
Linda Knapp McCreery Scholarship
Trisha Springstroh
Robert T. Nash Scholarship
Derek Schmidt
Mary Susan Sieber Memorial Scholarship
Adam Brechtel
Irving H. Wallace Scholarship
Laura Leyh
Women In Management — Oshkosh Chapter
Kimberly Krejcarek
AAUW Graduate Scholarship
Pang Xiong
4Imprint USA Inc. Scholarship
Stephanie Gambsky
Anchor Bank Scholarship
Jason Garland
College of Business Alumni Association Scholarship
Jennifer Blohm
LaNee Xiong
Dr. Dwight M. Edmonds Scholarship
Michael Stetler
Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Guentzel Scholarship
Nicole Konieczka
Edwin and Dorothy Hartman Scholarship
Abby Schultz
Ross McKenzie Lang Memorial Scholarship
Adam Trantow
Robert and Kathleen Lindgren Scholarship
Jessica Sibilsky
Shirley Tipler Schultz Scholarship
Derek Komp
Wisconsin Family Business Forum Scholarship
Amanda Froelich
Anthony Goebel
Grant Thornton Accounting Scholarship
Jason Soper
Harry Ostendorf Accounting Scholarship
Jessica Sibilsky
Schenck Accounting Scholarship
Kayla Hembel
Abby Schultz
Tax Executives Institute of Northeast Wisconsin Scholarship
Jennifer Blohm
UW Oshkosh Accounting Faculty Scholarship
Brett Hintz
Samuel Kampo
Virchow Krause Accounting Scholarship
Arek Schmocker
Brinkman Scholarship
Kimberly Knaus
Financial Executives International — Milwaukee Award
Kimberly Knaus
Financial Executives International — Northeast Wisconsin Award
Adam Trantow
Oshkosh Allergy Center Marketing Scholarship
Anthony Goebel
Sales and Marketing Professionals of Northeast Wisconsin Scholarship
Anthony Goebel
Greg Lulich
Ashley Romenesko
Operations Management
Allan W. Gerow Memorial Scholarship
Kimberly Knaus
Miriam Wilma Schlosser-Lang-Gerow Memorial Scholarship
Theresa Straub
College of Education and Human Services Alumni Association Scholarship
Sarah Mueller
Tina Sikorski
Patricia J. Koll Scholarship
Emily Dietrich
Curriculum and Instruction
Pattie Ackerman Scholarship
Stacey Cluppert
Richard Dale Buckley Scholarship
Lisa Thomas
Edward J. Dempsey and Sadie A. Dempsey Memorial Teaching Scholarship
Loren Brownlea
Bernice and Forrest Derickson Memorial Scholarship
Kelly Berlick
Alice Duren Early Childhood Education Scholarship
Heidi Schmidt
Dr. Michael P. Ford Scholarship
Loren Brownlea
Mary Ellen and Norman J. Frenzel Scholarship
Staci Chapman
Dr. Charles Goff Scholarship
Erin Bonnin
Sara M. Hughes Memorial Scholarship
Diane Marks
Gladys W. Ihde Education Scholarship
Dana Gifford
Beatrice Barlow Lampert and Phillip D. Lampert Scholarship
Lisa Thomas
Stanley Larson Scholarship
Sarah Mueller
Clarice Mae Johnson Mandel Education Scholarship
Kelly Berlick
Dana Gifford
Charles J. Lenz Memorial Scholarship
Janna Oelrich
Mary Jane McDonald Education Scholarship
Janna Oelrich
Norman Muehrer Scholarship
Jill Steffen
N. Peter and Ruth Nelson Scholarship
Casey Robers
Donald Netzer Scholarship
Anna Schneider
Lanore Netzer Scholarship
Jacquelyn Topp
Suzanne Harriet Pearson Landes and James Hazelton Pearson Scholarship
Sarah Mueller
Gladys M. Stern Scholarship
Brandon Buchmann
Evelyn H. Uehling Scholarship
Adam Brechtel
Eugene and Nancy Winkler Scholarship
Jacquelyn Topp
Human Services and Educational Leadership
Stephen Kearney Scholarship
Teresa Schabel
Special Education
Andrews Family Outstanding SCEC Service Award
Amanda Larson
Lindsy Trotter
Orville Clark Scholarship
Kathleen Olson
Mary Drecktrah Special Education Scholarship
Courtney Denman
Amanda Larson
Craig Fiedler Scholarship
Kathleen King
Betty Griesbach Scholarship
Matthew Adams
Heather Julka
Karissa Meierdirk
Kempf-Whiting Scholarship
Stephanie Owens
John F. Leonardi Scholarship
Kari Goldapske
Carla Roberts Special Education Teaching Scholarship
Koa Dautermann
Stanley Talarek Scholarship
Koa Dautermann
Janna Oelrich
Dr. Harold Thorpe Award for Outstanding Senior in Special Education
Kinsey Spiess
Human Services and Educational Leadership
Charlotte McEssy Scholarship — Educational Leadership
Erin Rammer
Professional Counseling
Pete Havens Scholarship
Kirsten Wirth
Reading Education
Charlotte McEssy Scholarship — Reading Education
Emily Pratt
Kerstin Westcott
Special Education
Chiang Graduate Student Research Award
Ashlea Roselle
Liberal Arts Scholarship Competition
Seth Breunig, College of Education and Human Services
Teale Greylord, College of Letters and Science
4Imprint USA Inc. Scholarship
Dustin Drover
Erin McLean
Charles Chronis Award
Stacey Cluppert
Milton K. Gardener Memorial Scholarship
Noah Ball
Joann Kindt Scholarship
Lucy Boyer
William J. Leffin Scholarship
Jesse Martinez
William Niederberger Jr. Memorial Award
Amber Patrick
Michael and Kelly O’Brien Scholarship
Abby Demmer
Pride of Oshkosh Art Student Scholarship
Rachel Cisler
Stacey Cluppert
Leslie-Allen Fellowship in Field Ecology
Timothy Anderson
Andrea Holzbauer
Outstanding Biology Major Award
Jacqueline Mischka
Outstanding Microbiology Major Award
Katie Lavarda
Sherman Randerson Memorial Scholarship
Katie Lavarda
Charles P. Savino Family Scholarship
Bobbi Kolstad
Alumni Research Award
Peter Christensen
Ruth A. Berge Organic Chemistry Scholarship
Brett Hintz
Best Undergraduate Research Midwest /Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting
Ryan Schuh
Outstanding Senior Chemistry Major Award
Danielle Leach
Gilbert F. and Katherine L. Pollnow Chemistry Scholarship
Malinda Reichert
Undergraduate Award for Outstanding Achievement in Organic Chemistry
Sandra Zuleger
Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry
Ryan Elliott
Joseph B. Laine Outstanding Senior in Speech Communication Award
Kira-Lynn Reeves
Computer Science
Computer Science Undergraduate Research Award
Jason Busse
Marshall Scorcio
Nevin James Scholarship
Kylie McGowan
Nevin James Writing Contest
Patricia Weitzel, First Prize
Luis Granados, Second Prize
Nevin James Writing Contest — CAP Award
Andrea DeIuliis
Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies Academic Excellence Award
Breanne McDonald
Environmental Studies Leadership Award
John Knox
Braatz / Starr Award
Anthony Pietsch
C. Kevin Hasson Memorial Scholarship
Kelli Nugent
Barbara Donner Monteith Memorial Scholarship
Jared Stroik
International Studies
Juris Veidemanis Outstanding Senior in International Studies Award
Robert Reeves IV
Harvey McKenzie Senior Award
Anthony Diercks
National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences Award
Justin Hind
Stanley Linton Award
Ashley Brown
Richard Keith Porter Memorial Scholarship
Sean Lynch
Willabelle J. Thoma Music Award
Theresa Sauvage
Danielle Wrobleski
Edward L. and Dorothy F. Schwartz Scholarship
Carmen Frank
Ashley Molinski
Social Work
Miranda Advocacy Award
Christine Boehnlein
Jesse Smet
Matthew Young
Social Work Excellence Award
Megan Heiden
Amanda Lueck
Mary Nelson
Don Martin Distinguished Sociology Scholar
Valerie Mosley
Women’s Studies
Helen Bannan Women’s Studies Award
Hannah Hildebrandt
Public Administration
Stephen Hintz MPA Award
Mary Ann Offer
American Legion 40-8 Voiture 751 Winnebago County Scholarship
Stacey Lamoureux
Affinity Nursing Scholarship
Rebecca Basel
Anne Bolle
Betsy Gscheidmeier
Troy Hauck
Lindsey Jindra
Stacey Lamoureux
Touchella Ly
Melissa Rhyner
Marie Schwarz
Erica Soto
Samantha Swiecichowski
Sirena Weckler
Stacy Wirth
Kristen Wolfe
Mina Young
Alumni-Sponsored Excellence in Nursing Scholarship
Amber Miller
Geralyn Smith
Phyllis Albrecht Nursing Scholarship
Rebecca McElroy
Irene L. Blanchette Nursing Award
Samantha Pozolinski
Colleen Gibbons Daugherty Nursing Scholarship
Whitney Seymour
Kennedy Foundation Scholarship
Margaret Allen
Alie Graham
Kallie Henze
Jennifer Krueger
Diana Maasen
Caitlin Neinas
Carl Reitz
Stacy Wirth
Sally and Bernie Killoran Nursing Scholarship
Samantha Pozolinski
Noelle Timm
Wilbert J. Kuehn Nursing Scholarship
Christa Westenberg
Katherine MacKinnon Fiss Quality Nurse Award
Chelsea Pignolet
Mercy Medical Center Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship
Jennifer Kappell
Pachia Lee
Katie Schmidt
Northeast Wisconsin Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society Scholarship
Amanda Krohn
Elizabeth A. Regan Scholarship
Heidi Baumann
Royal Arch Masons Nursing Scholarship
Rachel Corrao
Stephanie Pink
Samantha Pozolinski
May Thao
Noelle Timm
Willcockson Nursing Undergraduate Scholarship
Katie Eckes
Winnebago County Medical Society Alliance Scholarship
Molly Pagel
Katie Prucha
Katherine MacKinnon Fiss Graduate Award
Amber Geocaris
Other awards that were not presented at the ceremony include the following:
Undergraduate Student / Faculty Collaborative Research
Matthew Behnke
Carrie Caldwell
Garett Felda
Laura Leyh
Krista Newell
Liem Nguyen
Phil Ragonese
Arek Schmocker
Cassie Thiem
Sammi Jo Wescott
Ashley Winker
Aubrey Wisen
Justin Zangl
Graduate Studies Honors Recognition
College of Business
Jean Bannister
Carrie Bothof
John Carnell
Iryna Depenchuk
Judith Fox
Sherry Gillespie
Laura Heuer
Jenifer Jirschele
Peggy Jome
Ryan Ketterer
Melissa Klade
Andrea Koch
Tayce Lang
John Leschke
Julie Leschke
Paul Murphy
Kay Porter
Lawrence Ruedinger
Olesya Savchenko
Matthew Simons
Pawel Stec
Tim Styka
Andrea Swiney
Nicole Wiese
College of Education and Human Services
Tara Boehmer
Pamela Eccles
Nichole Ponzer
Beth Richards
College of Nursing
Amber Geocaris
Diane Park
Vicki Ray
Marcia Smith
Sarah VandeHey
Graduate Student / Faculty Collaborative Research
Tim Anderson
Carrie Haas
Andrea Holzbauer
Julie Widholm
General Chemistry Achievement Award
Lamin Juwara
Maren Raab
Outstanding Student in General, Organic and Biochemistry
Alie Graham
Brittany Wall
Foreign Languages
Excellence in Beginning Chinese
Elizabeth Her
Excellence in Beginning Japanese Study
Jameson Penzenstadler
Excellence in Intermediate Chinese
Alex Kurowski
Excellence in Intermediate Japanese Study
Chee La Lor
Excellence in Spanish Book Award
Julie Herro
Ashley Kingston
Elena Maria Leon
Rebecca Zink
French Book Award
Marie Yvette Baumann
Carly Busch
Johanna Huck
Meghan Suess
German Book Awards
Heidi Clayton
Eric Fell
Adam Gipril
Sean Lynch
Goethe Institute Book Awards
Steve Joosten
Anthony Pietsch
Jared Stroik
Clifford W. and William C. Sanders Memorial Award
Oriel Boomgarden
Justus Poehls
Wall Street Journal Award
Sarah Benike
Bartlett Award
Sara Akin
Sarah Jeffrey
Reginald Brook Memorial Award
Derrick Wagner
Freshman Scholarship in Geology Award
Benjamin Sanderfoot
Burton E. Karges Geology Achievement Award
Derrick Wagner
Burton E. Karges Geology Scholarship Award
Derrick Wagner
National Association of Geoscience Teachers U.S. Geological Survey Internship
Derrick Wagner
Neville Public Museum Geology Club Scholarship
Rachelle Kernen
Oshkosh Earth Science Club Award
Kelsey Putman
James R. Vedder Award
Derrick Wagner
Honors Recitalist Award
Zachary Larabee
Kristin Masarik
Jacki Thering
Martin Vajgrt
Roger Dennis Scholarship
Jacki Thering
Music Scholarship
Jennifer Backes
Kaley Seth Boyte
Courtney Buvid
Zachary Glaeser
Amanda Lautenbach
Maria Payant
Benjamin Pepin
Heidi Robertson
Theresa Sauvage
Brittany Seifert
Callie Soddy
Socratic Award
Noah Te Stroete
Beta Gamma Sigma
Honor Society for AACS B Accredited Business Programs
Joshua Ackerman
Keith Arendt
Jean Bannister
Holly Bartz
Thomas Blum
Jill Boilesen
Carrie Bothof
John Carnell
Aniashia Condappa
Laura Dedering
Stacy Dehn
Iryna Depenchuk
Matthew Dunwiddie
Andrew Eddmenson
Katrina Fibiger
Judith Fox
Joy Gabbert
Stephanie Gambsky
Sherry Gillespie
Amber Gouin
Devin Hagan
Laura Heuer
Brett Hintz
Veronica Janeczko
Jenifer Jirschele
Peggy Jome
Samuel Kampo
Amber Kaufmann
Ryan Ketterer
Melissa Klade
Nicole Knapmiller
Kimberly Knaus
Andrea Koch
Nicole Konieczka
Tayce Lang
Craig Lehner
John Leschke
Julie Leschke
Stephen Maroszek
Amanda Meyer
Michelle Mischler
Amy Mleziva
Eric Mortensen
Paul Murphy
Riley O’Hearn
Elizabeth Petrzelka
Kay Porter
Andrew Qualls
Rebecca Ramminger
Brianna Rapp
Megan Rebers
Michael Rich
Raazia Riffat
Ashley Romenesko
Justin Rose
Lawrence Ruedinger
Devin Ryan
Lesley Sauer
Olesya Savchenko
Arek Schmocker
Travis Schuh
Jessica Sibilsky
Matthew Simons
James Stead
Pawel Stec
Tim Styka
Andrea Swiney
Matthew Taylor
Mark Van Eperen
Leah VanDerSteen
Amber Wiedenhaupt
Nicole Wiese
Benjamin Wizner
Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Earth Science Honorary Society for Geology Majors
Garrett Felda
Eileen Geiss
Andrew Jansen
David Mills
Phillip Ragonese
Sigma Iota Rho, Gamma Chapter
National Honor Society for International Studies
Adrianne Benson
Peter Berube
Jacob Buege
Kelly Potratz
Brenna Ranzen
Claire Staats
Sarwat Syeda