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Ten $1,000 scholarships are available to Wisconsin veterans attending University of Wisconsin System campuses during the 2009-10 academic year.

The Donald P. Weber Veterans Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to Wisconsin residents enrolled full time as an undergraduate or graduate student at a UW school. Recipients must be veterans of the U.S. armed forces and in good academic standing.

Potential recipients also will be required to give a short summary about themselves, their career plans and why they should receive the award. Financial need will be considered.

The scholarship was established through the UW-La Crosse Foundation in 2008 by Donald J. and Roxanne Weber of La Crosse in honor or Donald’s father. Both were veterans, with Donald P. serving in World War II and Donald J. in Vietnam.

“American Veterans have selflessly protected and defended us through the years,” said Donald J., when he established the scholarship. “Without them, we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms we have today.”

The deadline to submit applications is May 15. Get complete details through the UW-La Crosse Foundation at

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