It’s no surprise that more education is connected with higher earnings and better job opportunities.
“In general, over your lifetime you will earn more money (with a master’s degree) than with just a bachelor’s degree.” said Greg Wypiszynski, director of graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. “In many professions and disciplines a graduate degree is necessary for employment and/or advancement.”
On Thursday, April 19, the UW Oshkosh Graduate Studies program will host GradSchool Fest, an event that is set up to help undergraduate students learn about the options available when thinking about furthering their education with a master’s degree.
GradSchool Fest takes place in Reeve Memorial Union Ballroom from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Students can stop by at any time during the open house.
Program coordinators, financial aid and career services representatives, Reading and Writing Center staff members and more will be in available to help undergraduate students and answer questions.
Katie Thompson, a first year grad student at UW Oshkosh, who is working toward a Master of Business Administration, feels GradSchool Fest is a great way to start the process of applying for graduate school.
“GradSchool Fest is basically a one-stop shop,” Thompson said. “Current students and alumni will be able to come to the event to have all of their questions answered.”
Wypiszynski added: “GradSchool Fest is a chance to find out at one time, in one location, what you should know about finding, selecting, researching, applying, writing, paying and learning about graduate school.”
Whether students plan to attend UW Oshkosh for graduate school, or attend grad school somewhere else, GradSchool Fest is a great resource that will provide students with information they will need to pursue their next level of education, Wypinszynski said.
Thompson said even if students are thinking about attending a graduate program elsewhere, they will be able to find out about the required exams, personal essay writing, job market information and financial aid.
“If students have any inkling that graduate school is in their future, this is the place to find out what they should be doing now,” she said.
The UW Oshkosh Graduate Studies Program also offers great opportunities for students who have attended UW Oshkosh for their undergraduate degree.
“Because I was a UW Oshkosh undergrad, I was also able to use my undergrad business credits to waive some of the preliminary classes,” Thompson said.
This year marks an important milestone for the UW Oshkosh Graduate Studies program, in that, it has been 50 years since the first students graduated with a master’s degree from UW Oshkosh, Wypiszynski said.
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