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The Feb. 24, 2009, Faculty Senate meeting began with reports from Thomas Rowland for SAS and Anne Gudinske for OSA. We were informed that there will be an open forum for faculty with the textbook rental consultant hired by the students at 11 a.m. March 2.

Bill Wacholtz reported on the Provost Staff meeting. The Provost has set up two task forces: One will be looking at our academic support services; the other, our early warning intervention system. Several senators volunteered to serve on the early warning task force.

D2L needs to be able to remove courses from its system, but there is no archiving function. Discussions are underway to find what people may want to archive, how it should be done and a process for dealing with courses in the future.

President Wacholtz provided an overview of the presentation by Carleen Vande Zande on student academic achievement. There was extensive discussion with regards to the increased percentage of firs-year students getting less than a 2.0 in their first semester. Concerns about admissions, curriculum, role of faculty and student services were given.

President Wacholtz also reported on the U-Plan meeting. There is a special U-plan meeting scheduled for Feb. 25 to discuss the budget. Ground breaking for the new academic building is set for Sept. 15, 2009, with it being ready for classes by Fall 2011.

The Women’s Study major has been approved. There is an information session on collective bargaining at 4 p.m. Feb. 25. The minutes of the Feb.10 meeting were approved. A meeting with the Chancellor has been scheduled for Feb. 26 to discuss the Administrators Evaluation committee’s recommendations.

Feedback on UW Oshkosh Department of Athletics Substance Abuse Program was solicited. Faculty concerns will be summarized by the President, and, with the Executive Committee approval, a report will be sent to Vice Chancellor Roter.

Several routine APC items were passed including the College of Nursing’s implementation of a Doctorate of Nursing Practice (Collaborative with Eau Claire). Two committee appointments were confirmed. Senator Neal brought up concerns about not being able to disclose any general salary ranges to candidates prior to bringing them on campus. Resources are being used to bring people to campus only to find that our salary ranges are too low.

Meeting was adjourned.