Grace Akallo, a former child soldier from Uganda, will share her experiences during a presentation from 7-9 p.m. March 4 in room 109 of the Halsey Science Center on the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh campus.
Akallo was captured in 1996 in an attack on St. Mary’s College, a girls’ boarding school in northern Uganda. She and 138 other girls were taken to southern Sudan, where they were forced to fight for the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). The LRA released 109 of the students back to the headmaster, but kept Akallo and 29 others. She escaped seven months later.
After returning to society, Akallo resumed her secondary education at St. Mary’s school. Later, she attended the Uganda Christian University in Kampala, from where she transferred to Gordon University in Massachusetts. She is currently working on her master’s degree at Clark University in Worcester, Mass.