Those passing through Reeve Union on Dec. 1 will have the opportunity to purchase a variety of fair trade items.
The annual Fair Trade Festival runs between 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and will feature various items, coffee, chocolate, crafts, jewelry, hats and more. Fair trade products are those produced that provide artisans and farmers with a living wage for their work and humane working conditions, while also protecting the environment.
“I always look forward to this event to buy Christmas presents,” said David Barnhill, director of environmental studies at UW Oshkosh. “It’s an opportunity to buy distinctive gifts that are of good quality and help people and the environment.”
Many of these items are also available for sale at University Books and More and the Corner Convenience Store.
In 2008, UW Oshkosh was the first University in the United States to be identified as a Fair Trade University. This means the University helps support financial security, social justice and environmental stewardship for growers and producers in developing countries.
Students can learn more about the fair trade efforts on campus through information tables set up alongside the sales during the festival.
Barnhill said he would encourage everyone to buy fair trade items because it helps improve the quality of life for people in the countries in which the items are produced.
“We are affecting the lives of individuals in these countries,” he said. “Buying fair trade items ensures that every purchase you make matters.”
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