The Oct. 28, 2008, Faculty Senate meeting began with reports by Thomas Rowland for SAS and Anne Gudinske for OSA.
Bill Wacholtz informed us about the discussions at the special U-Plan meeting with regards to the budget and at the Provost Staff meeting. He also noted that congratulations were in order for Doug Heil, professor in the Radio-TV-Film program, Department of Communication, who has been awarded the UW System Board of Regents Teaching Excellence Award. It is the seventh such award granted to this University.
The minutes of the Oct. 14 meeting were approved. Todd Kostman reported on LERT’s activities. An update on the development of the UWO Web site was presented by the Integrated Marketing Team. The Faculty Advocacy Committee informed the senate on its current activities and has requested a modification to their charge, which the senate approved. Their request for adding a member to the committee was tabled until the next meeting after more information could be gathered.
The 2009-2010 salary guidelines were presented and approved. The senate approved several APC items from English, Geology, Music and Kinesiology. It also approved the Geology Department’s program review and the bylaws for the Business Law/Finance and the Music departments. The approval of the bylaws for COLS was tabled until the college is able to address some suggestions from the bylaws committee. Meeting was adjourned in due course.