People often ask, “Why is there a Women’s Center?”
The necessity both sexes feel for equality has been a hot topic issue in the past and still remains a strong presence within the news of today. While the world of academia would like to think social issues can be divided and solved by disciplines, we cannot ignore the reality of an interdisciplinary, interdependent world.
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Women’s Center has become more than just a building housed on the fringes of campus; it’s a place where women and men can come for respite, renewal and to regain themselves and their voices. The Women’s Center has become a diamond in the rough, where people of all races, sexualities, gender and social classes are able to feel like they are home.
Much like Dorothy and her epic struggle on the yellow brick road, we here at the Women’s Center believe it is our job to help guide people back onto the path towards self-enlightenment and self-fulfillment. However, one major derailment in our goal is getting people to recognize us as a major need for students, faculty and staff.
While we are hard at work providing programs and welcoming everyone who comes through our doors, we still lack the support that would help us become a viable and sustainable part of the UW Oshkosh campus. Our chairs need to be filled and our rooms need to echo with laughter and discussion on a daily basis; this is where we need your help.
While people may not know we are here, we still believe that at the end of the day, we are the ruby red slippers on Dorothy’s feet that allowed her to achieve her dreams and finally make it home. We are more than just a place to come study; we are a home away from home.
By placing a link to the Women’s Center Web site ( on the University homepage, more campus members, both current and prospective, would have access to the information regarding the personal, academic and professional resources we offer.
Envisioning a future that understands the value of diversity and equality, we firmly hold true that the campus community, both male and female, needs us.
As much as we need campus members’ support, we acknowledge we first need to get our message out and become more visible. We are visiting classrooms and opening dialogue with students who are unaware of our resources and showing them the wonders that we have to offer. Also, we are tabling every week in high traffic areas: dining areas, residence halls and Reeve Union. However, with a $3,000 annual budget, we still need your help.
If this is a dialogue that you would like to open, please contact us at the Women’s Center at (920) 424-0963. We look forward to working with you soon!
John Erickson
Public Relations Intern and Student Fellow
Women’s Center
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