The following academic staff members have received support through the Faculty Development Program:
Academic Staff Component
- Kathryn Griffiths (Biology & Microbiology) attended the Annual Midwest Conference of Parasitologists at Notre Dame, Indiana from June 23-25, 2011.
- Joshua Ranger (Library) will attend the Archives Leadership Institute in Madison, Wisconsin, July 17-23, 2011.
- Kathleen Donnelly (Theatre) will attend the 2011 Costume Symposium Workshop in Edwardsville, Missouri, July 27-31, 2011.
UW Oshkosh received supplemental support in the amount of $27,805 from the National Science Foundation for RUI: Galactic Spiral Structure Reassessment: A Precision Photometry Approach to Complete Homogeneous Samples, 2011. The total amount awarded to this project to date is $194,147. Nadejda Kaltcheva (Physics & Astronomy) is the project director.
UW Oshkosh received $50,000 from the University of Wisconsin System for year two of New Pathways to Underserved Student Success: Supplemental Instruction and Peer Educators. This brings the total award for this project to $97,500. Carleen Vande Zande (Provost’s Office) is the project director.
UW Oshkosh received $65,835 from the University of Wisconsin System for the Titan Transfer Center collaboration. Carleen Vande Zande (Provost’s Office) and Paul Gedlinski (Admissions) are project directors.
UW Oshkosh received $2,000 from the UW System Institute on Race and Ethnicity for Stew and Passing Strange. The grant will fund a campus visit by Stew, a Tony award-winning singer, songwriter and playwright. Don Dingledine (English) is project director.
UW Oshkosh received $592,718 from the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families for Workforce Development Training and Learning Management System Services for SFY 2012. Renee Rickert (CCDET) is the project director.
Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to contribute calendar items, campus announcements and other good news to UW Oshkosh Today.