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Danielle Juan, a compliance specialist in the compliance, risk and integrity office, has earned the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh STAR Award for December. Juan was nominated by Michelle Bogden Muetzel.

The nomination is as follows:

Since the Office of Compliance, Risk and Integrity (OCRI) was created in 2022, and brought together not only Risk & Safety, but Public Records, Title IX, and Ethics, Danielle has jumped in to help the staff succeed. She volunteered to join the Youth Protection Team, organize operations, create resources, and help with compliance and correspondence with program directors to meet the new UW System Administrative Policy 625 that became effective 3/01/2023. She has also taken on special projects in Environmental Health and Safety, including agreeing to take on a role for Workers’ Compensation when the previous person left the role. Danielle has quickly become such a vital part of the OCRI office and we all can only see big things to come from her career here at UW Oshkosh.

Danielle has been the University Staff Senate (USS) President since August 2023.

STAR Awards recognize and thank University staff members, limited-term employees and project appointment employees who go above and beyond their normal job description. They are handed out monthly. The nomination form is available here.

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