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Are you looking for a unique and fun team-building experience for your group or organization? Do you and your friends enjoy a little friendly competition? Does the idea of paddling a 40-foot long canoe-style boat down the Fox River with 20 of your friends sound exhilarating?

Registration for the 2011 Dragonboat Race & Festival is now open.  Through the generosity of our sponsors, we are able to offer a discounted rate of only $420 ($20/team member) to the first 10 UW Oshkosh student teams who register. This is a discount of more than 50 percent off our regular team rates.

Dragonboat teams are co-ed and comprised of 20 paddlers (must be at least eight females per team) plus a drummer. No experience is necessary. One complimentary practice session is included in your team’s registration and all team members receive a commemorative t-shirt for participating.

Registration is simple: designate your team captain and fill out the online form.  Use the code UWOSH STUDENT to receive the discounted student team rate (payment plans are available upon request.) The festival will communicate with team captains throughout the summer and practices will be offered when your team returns to school in the fall.

Race day is Saturday, Sept.  24 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Leach Amphitheater, downtown Oshkosh. Races will be held in a festival-like atmosphere with volleyball, music, food and other activities taking place inside the Leach. All teams will have a designated space with a tent in the athlete’s village for the day. Shuttles will be provided from campus to the Leach throughout the day.

Questions?  Email the or call (920) 424-0344.

Paddles Up!

Kate Unger, marketing manager at Reeve Memorial Union, submitted this announcement. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to contribute calendar items, campus announcements and other good news to UW Oshkosh Today.