Each year, since 2004, the Wisconsin Family Business Forum (WFBF) recognizes an individual member or sponsor who has made a significant contribution to the growth and development of the Forum.
This year, at the Forum’s 15th Annual Dinner, the Forum recognized two individuals who together and singularly have made major contributions to the Forum for 15 years. This year, the recognition was given to Vicky and Tim Wuest of Badger Mining Corporation.
Vicky Wuest, a third-generation owner and family representative on the Badger Mining Corporation’s Board of Directors, has participated in and presented at workshops; participated in the Forum’s Italy workshop on strategy; is an active recruiter and supporter of the Forum; is a member of the Generation Now peer group and currently serves on the Forum’s Program Committee.
Tim Wuest, president of Badger Mining Corporation, has served on the Board and the Bylaws committee; participated in and presented at workshops; participated in the Forum’s Italy workshop; and currently co-facilitates the Forum’s Senior Executives group.
Badger Mining Corporation is a charter member of the Forum.
The WFBF was extremely pleased to induct the Wuests into the Forum Fellows and to congratulate them on their accomplishments and also thank them for all of their contributions over the years.
The WFBF is the oldest family business organization in Wisconsin. As part of the College of Business at UW Oshkosh the Forum members work together to fulfill its mission: to foster healthy family businesses through learning, sharing, and creating effective solutions regarding the critical issues and problems confronting family businesses today.
Sponsoring organizations of WFBF include: 1st National Bank, Associated Bank NA, Davis & Kuelthau, S.C., Godfrey & Kahn, S.C., Pathmakers Inc., Schenck S.C., Sustainable Continuous Improvement LLC, The Business Bank, The Business News, UW Oshkosh College of Business and WIPFLI LLP.
For more information about Forum membership, sponsorship and programs, contact Donna Nelson at nelsond@uwosh.edu or (920) 424-1451 or visit our website at http://wfbf.uwosh.edu .
Janice Stark, a staff member with the College of Education and Human Services, submitted this announcement. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to contribute calendar items, campus announcements and other good news to UW Oshkosh Today.