Dianne Parker
Dianne Parker, who works for the Graduate Studies Office as a graduate student services and operations specialist at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, has been named the recipient of the October 2021 STAR Award.
She was nominated by Connie Schuster, admissions and records processing coordinator and support specialist:
“Since Dianne Parker started her employment in the Graduate Studies Office in November 2019, she has been instrumental in moving our office towards a higher level of interaction with our students. Her expertise in computer-related knowledge has allowed us to meet the students’ needs in addition to providing us with up-to-date statistics, which was not available in the past.
“With the implementation of the new UW System eApp application system in August, there were many challenges to overcome. Parker was able to continually update our website and automated emails to reflect changes as they came up and was an instrumental resource. She actively strives to improve her knowledge, and when asking questions is concise in her inquiries.
“Parker has revamped the Graduate Assistantship process so students may apply through the PageUp system. This required consulting with the Human Resources office to build this module from the ground up. This change now allows departments to see within the system which students are eligible/available to be employed by a GA position compared to paper copies of contracts being sent through campus mail delaying the hiring process. With the trials our campus faces, our physical office in Dempsey Hall is open daily but Parker is working virtually from her home in Minocqua. There have been no problems or lags in services to our students because the interactions she has with the physical office are continual.”