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Safety & Equity at UWO


Rachel Cromheecke
Title IX Coordinator

Microsoft Teams, search name "Cromheecke"
(920) 424-0835
Dempsey Hall Room 337, Oshkosh Campus
Monday-Friday 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


To ensure UWO remains a safe and welcoming place for all students and employees pursuing their personal, professional, and academic goals at UWO, everyone has a part in Title IX. UWO carries out compliance of Title IX, Clery Act, and UWO Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment policy through a coordinated and collaborative system of initiatives, programs, and services that collectively protect educational access, advance gender equity, and prevent and educate about sexual violence. Please see the Support page if you need immediate assistance, the Report page for more information on reporting an incident, and the Education page for more information on sexual assault.

The University continually strives to prevent sexual misconduct including, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation by providing training and educational programming and events for students and employees, and by promptly and compassionately responding to reports of sexual misconduct. UWO has established procedures for reporting and grievance processes for formal complaints. Please see the Policies and Processes pages for more information.

UWO Prevention Programming

New Student Title IX Training

Delivered via UWO’s own BP Logix software, the New Student Title IX training provides all the need-to-know information to students about their rights and supports available under Title IX. Easy to navigate, each new student reviews the content, attests to their receipt of the information and understanding of where to report.  It is important that all students know that The Department of Education requires Title IX training to all students in their first semester at the university.  If you have any questions about the training or have accessibility requests, contact


Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator at UWO offers a diverse range of training sessions on various topics related to Title IX, including consent, intimate partner violence, recognizing signs of abuse and grooming, and more. Whether you have specific questions or need comprehensive training, the Office of Title IX is here to help. The Title IX Coordinator can also assign online modules from the University of Wisconsin System Office or SUNY-SCI for additional training options.


New Student Orientation and UWO Guide

During the first week of school, speakers provide prevention education related to sexual activity and college life. The UWO Guide provides practical support (list of services and departments) as well as transition guidance for first year students.


University Police Department

The University police department has a variety of prevention, education, and safety programs including, Safewalk, UWO Go Program, & Crime Prevention Programs.


UWO Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is a multidisciplinary team, dedicated to identifying, evaluating, and responding to behaviors that have raised concern indicating the potential for violence or the need for support.
The team’s purpose is to centralize the reporting of concerns and encourage a proactive approach to intervention. The team meets regularly to perform an initial assessment of risk and develops a support plan, within existing University policies, to mitigate risk and promote individual well-being and success.

National Prevention Information & Resources

The U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Violence Against Women

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) provides federal leadership in developing the national capacity to reduce violence against women and administer justice for and strengthen services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Facts and publications about sexual violence.

Centers for Disease – About Intimate Partner Violence

Learn about intimate partner violence facts and statistics.

Culture of Respect – Ending Campus Sexual Violence

Free programs and tools to deliver prevention programming to students.

It’s On Us

Prevention and survivor support.

Prevent Connect

Prevention of sexual assault and domestic violence.

NCAA Sports Science Institute Sexual Violence Prevention Toolkit